Objectives and competences

Slovenia as a member of EU accepted EU legal order. It is important that students recognize the method of implementation EU law into national legislation as a unification of EU. It is also important to distinguish competence of EU institutions and national institutions. Furthermore, during the subject the students will gain the knowledge to differentiate between types of companies and governance systems. The seminar paper will enable you to develop your understanding of the subject matter, and will provide formative feedback on your progress.

Content (Syllabus outline)

The students will be able to: • Distinguish of effects of EU law generally and in national legal order; • Analyse different types of corporations and governance systems. and understanding conditions of competitive activity on the eu market; • To evaluate socially responsble and sustainable corporate governance and corporate governance codes. Linking the competences of key EU institutions and assessing their impact on EU policies and law. Cognitive and Intellectual Skills • The application of legal principles and reasoning to a variety of applied topics, including functioning of EU institutions, EU policies, corporations and corporate governance systems. • Analysis of sources of EU law and ability to recognize their effects on national legal system, • Synthesis: Categorization of different types of corporations and governance systems. Key / Transferable Skills • Learning resources: is able to use different traditional and digital learning accessories and resources • Autonomy: can independently acquire decisions for further work • Communication: is able to distinctly express own thoughts and findings Practical Skills • Sources and content of economic data and evidence, both quantitative and qualitative, including those available at the EU's web site.

Learning and teaching methods

• Classic lectures • AV presentations • Resolving problems • Active team work

Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding

The students will be able to: • Distinguish of effects of EU law generally and in national legal order; • Analyse different types of corporations and governance systems. and understanding conditions of competitive activity on the eu market; • To interpret socially responsble corporate governance and corporate governance codes. • To connect EU instituons with EU policies. Cognitive and Intellectual Skills • The application of legal principles and reasoning to a variety of applied topics, including functioning of EU institutions, EU policies, corporations and corporate governance systems. • Analysis of sources of EU law and ability to recognize their effects on national legal system, • Synthesis: Categorization of different types of corporations and governance systems. Key / Transferable Skills • . • Learning resources: is able to use different traditional and digital learning accessories and resources • Autonomy: can independently acquire decisions for further work • Communication: is able to distinctly express own thoughts and findings Practical Skills • Sources and content of economic data and evidence, both quantitative and qualitative, including those available at the EU's web site.


• Temeljna literatura/Basic literature: o Ferčič,Aleš, Janja Hojnik in Matjaž Tratnik. 2011. Uvod v pravo Evropske unije. Ljubljana: GV Založba. o Bohinc, Rado. 2017. Družbena odgovornost. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede (izbrana poglavja). Evropska zakonodaja. o El-Agraa, Ali M. 2007. The European Union: Economics and Policies. Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 9780521874434 • Dodatna litertatura/Additiona literature: o Bohinc, Rado in Borut Bratina. 2005. Upravljanje korporacij. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede. o Ivanjko, Šime in Marjan Kocbek. 2011. Korporacijsko pravo. Ljubljana: GV Založba. o Bratina, Borut, Dušan Jovanovič, Peter Podgorelec in Andreja Primec. 2019. Osnove gospodarskega pogodbenega in statusnega prava. Maribor: De Vesta. • Drugi viri/Other sources: o Aktualna strokovna literatura iz pravne in ekonomske periodike.

  • izr. prof. dr. ANDREJA PRIMEC, univ. dipl. prav.

  • : 8
  • : 172

  • Slovenian
  • Slovenian