Objectives and competences

Main course objective is to acquaint students with concepts of contemporary global real and financial sector trends analysis, clarification of teoretical framework and in continuation its applicative use on different case studies and practical analysis of those trends. Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: Understanding and use of discussed subject with ability of problem analysis and profound systematic consideration.

Content (Syllabus outline)

Course build on two thematic area, logically integrated in one aplicative integrity. At one side student become acquainted with crucial concepts of international economics trends from real sector point of view and field of financial environment as its complementary part. Fields is presented to student from different aspects and angles learning concepts as world economic growth, prices, employment, real and financial markets, international capital flows, , interest rate, balance of payment, country risk, forex market, etc. On the other side student become familiar with basic methods and tools of economic analysis which assist to hi man analysis of leading economic indicators, their meaning, functional connection, relativity comparation and trends forecasting.

Learning and teaching methods

Common lectures AV presentations Case studies Team work with active participation

Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding

Development of knowledge and understanding: Knowledge base: Students acquire depth and systematic understanding of knowledge in area of global economic trend analysis and can work with theoretical background at the field of macroeconomics and economic policy and research-based knowledge at the forefront of their academic discipline Ethical issues: has the awareness and ability to manage the implications of ethical dilemmas and work pro-actively with others to formulate solutions Disciplinary methodologies: Student acquire sufficient insight in to understanding of fundamentals techniques od global economic trend analysis that are applicable to his own work. Cognitive/Intellectual skills: Analysis: with Student is able to criticaly asses and undertake analysis of complex or contradictory areas of knowledge and in continuation communicating the outcome effectively. Synthesis: with critical awareness, can synthesise information in a manner that may be innovative, utilising knowledge or processes from the discipline. Evaluation: has a level of conceptual understanding that will allow her/him critically to evaluate research, advanced scholarship and methodologies and argue alternative approaches Application: can demonstrate initiative and originality in problem solving. Can act autonomously in planning and implementing tasks at a professional or equivalent level, making decisions in complex and unpredictable situations Key/Transferable skills Learning resources: is able to use full range of learning resources Autonomy: is an independent and self critical learner, guiding the learning of others and managing own requirements for continuing professional development. Problem solving: has independent learning ability required for continuing professional study, making professional use of others where appropriate Practical skills: Technical expertise: has technical expertise, performs smoothly with precision and effectiveness; can adapt skills and design or develop new skills and/or procedures for new situations.


Krugman, P, Obstfeld, M, (2012); »International Economics, theory&policy«, Pearson Ed. Bajt, A., Štiblar, F. (2002);«Ekonomija, ekonomska analiza in politika«, GV založba. Eiteman, David (2011);Multinational Business Finance. Melvin, M., Husted, S. (2001), International Economics, Addison Wesley Longman. Prosto dostopne baze podatkov: Eurostat, IMF, WB, etc Prosto dostopna aktualna literatura strokovnega in znanstvenega značaja (revije, članki, ipd)

  • red. prof. dr. ŽAN JAN OPLOTNIK, univ. dipl. ekon.

  • : 8
  • : 172

  • Slovenian
  • Slovenian