Objectives and competences

To train students to understand the fundamental determinants of international financial management, to use relevant information to evaluate alternative financial options in short and long-term international financial decisions. Understand the problems and be able to evaluate decisions in the field of international financial management and to solve related macroeconomic and microeconomic problems.

Content (Syllabus outline)

- International financial markets. - International Monetary System: definition of the external value of money, exchange rate systems, changes in the external value of money, - Financing international trade: international payment instruments - International financial markets and instruments, bonds, shares and their valuation and management. - Methodological support for international financial management. - Financial decisions in an international environment, asset management, CAPM model, risk and return

Learning and teaching methods

Learning and teaching methods: - Interactive lectures with and group discussions. - Practical tutorial based on case studies. - Independent research and critical study of materials. - Practice of communication skills through presentations.

Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding

Students in this course: 1. Know, understand and demonstrate the ability to formulate and apply a range of financial methods and techniques essential for financial management in an international environment (PILO 1a, 2b). 2. Have an in-depth systematic understanding of key concepts in international finance, financial management and portfolio management in an international environment (PILO 2a, 3b). 3. Is aware of ethical dilemmas in the financial industry and has a proactive approach to finding solutions to them, particularly in the context of responsible conduct and reporting, and understands the importance of codes of ethics and professional standards (PILO 4c). 4. Is able to critically analyse complex and sometimes conflicting areas of international finance, including financial analysis, risk assessment and the valuation of financial instruments, and be able to explain the results of the analysis in a comprehensible manner (PILO 3a, 3b). 5. Is able to critically synthesise financial information and develop innovative approaches to financial decision-making, taking into account both the theoretical and practical value of their findings for business and society (PILO 1a). 6. Demonstrate independence and originality in analysing and solving financial problems in an international environment and be able to make decisions in uncertain and complex situations (PILO 4a, 4b). 7. Master the skills to operate in complex and unpredictable financial circumstances, following best practices and standards in financial management to ensure the sustainable and ethical growth of the business (PILO 4b, 2b). The PILO label (i.e., Programme Intended Learning Outcomes) defines the contribution of each listed intended learning outcome of a course towards achieving the general and/or subject-specific competencies or learning outcomes acquired through the programme.

Intended learning outcomes - transferable/key skills and other attributes

Students in this course: 1. Know, understand and demonstrate the ability to formulate and apply a range of financial methods and techniques essential for financial management in an international environment (PILO 1a, 2b). 2. Have an in-depth systematic understanding of key concepts in international finance, financial management and portfolio management in an international environment (PILO 2a, 3b). 3. Is aware of ethical dilemmas in the financial industry and has a proactive approach to finding solutions to them, particularly in the context of responsible conduct and reporting, and understands the importance of codes of ethics and professional standards (PILO 4c). 4. Is able to critically analyse complex and sometimes conflicting areas of international finance, including financial analysis, risk assessment and the valuation of financial instruments, and be able to explain the results of the analysis in a comprehensible manner (PILO 3a, 3b). 5. Is able to critically synthesise financial information and develop innovative approaches to financial decision-making, taking into account both the theoretical and practical value of their findings for business and society (PILO 1a). 6. Demonstrate independence and originality in analysing and solving financial problems in an international environment and be able to make decisions in uncertain and complex situations (PILO 4a, 4b). 7. Master the skills to operate in complex and unpredictable financial circumstances, following best practices and standards in financial management to ensure the sustainable and ethical growth of the business (PILO 4b, 2b). The PILO label (i.e., Programme Intended Learning Outcomes) defines the contribution of each listed intended learning outcome of a course towards achieving the general and/or subject-specific competencies or learning outcomes acquired through the programme.


Obvezna študijska literatura (Compulsory textbooks): 1. Eiteman, D., Stonehill, A., Moffett, M. H. (2018). Multinational Business Finance, Pearson Education. 2. Krugman, P. R., Obstfeld, M., Melitz, M. J. (2016). International Finance: Theory and Policy. Pearson. Dopolnilni viri (Additional textbooks): 1. Zbašnik, D. (1999): Mednarodno finančno ravnanje, EPF Maribor. 2. Zbašnik, D. (2001): Mednarodne poslovne finance, EPF Maribor 3. Brigham, E.F., Daves, P.R. (2021); Intermediate Financial Management, 14th edition, Boston, Cengage 4. Kodeks poklicne etike poslovnega finančnika. 2001. Ljubljana: Zveza RFRS, 5. Kodeks poslovnofinančnih načel. 1997. Ljubljana: Zveza RFRS. 6. Damodaran, Aswath. 2024. Damodaran Online. Https:// (12.03.20244) 7. Baze podatkov bonitetnih agencij in javnih evidenc (E-Bonitete, AJPES, ipd)

  • red. prof. dr. ŽAN JAN OPLOTNIK, univ. dipl. ekon.

  • Written examination: 60
  • Seminar paper: 30
  • Active participation on lectures and worksops: 10

  • : 30
  • : 15
  • : 195

  • Slovenian
  • Slovenian