Objectives and competences
In this course, students systematically enhance their theoretical knowledge of research methodology and gain the ability to apply it in the analysis of complex economic and business problems. Additionally, they acquire a qualitative and quantitative approach to analyzing these complex issues and make critical judgments based on a sound theoretical foundation.
Content (Syllabus outline)
- The Positivist and Phenomenology Approach in Business Research
- Formulatin a research problem
- Overview of methods for data processing and optimisation models constructing and solving
- Conceptualising a research design
- Constructing an instrument for data collection
- Selecting a sample
- Methods for statistical data analysis (descriptive statistics, univariate and multivariate statistics)
- Writing a research proposal
- Collecting data
- Data processing
- Interpretation of results and writing a research report
- Use research information for decision making and problem solving.
Learning and teaching methods
" Interactive lectures,
" Case studies,
" Labor work
" Aktive team work
Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding
1. Possess a profound and systematic understanding of research methodology in the field of economics and business. (PILO1a, PILO2a).
2. Master the knowledge of research methodology, enabling them to critically assess research, knowledge, and methodological approaches and justify the appropriateness of choosing between different (alternative) approaches (PILO1a).
3. Be aware of ethical dilemmas, dilemmas in the field of social responsibility and sustainability, and master a proactive approach to finding solutions to these dilemmas in collaboration with others in the field of economics and business (PILO4a, PILO4c).
4. Know and be able to use a wide range of qualitative and quantitative methods in the execution of the research process (PILO1a).
5. Be capable of using relevant computer programs in data processing (PILO3a).
6. Critically synthesize information and recognize the practical value of knowledge in the field of research methodology in the global business environment within the field of economics and business (PILO2b).
7. Demonstrate independence and originality in problem-solving, being autonomous in planning and executing tasks at a professional level (PILO3b).
8. Master the knowledge of the field, operate accurately, and efficiently (PILO3b).
The PILO label (i.e., Programme Intended Learning Outcomes) defines the contribution of each listed intended learning outcome of a course towards achieving the general and/or subject-specific competencies or learning outcomes acquired through the programme.
Intended learning outcomes - transferable/key skills and other attributes
1. Possess a profound and systematic understanding of research methodology in the field of economics and business. (PILO1a, PILO2a).
2. Master the knowledge of research methodology, enabling them to critically assess research, knowledge, and methodological approaches and justify the appropriateness of choosing between different (alternative) approaches (PILO1a).
3. Be aware of ethical dilemmas, dilemmas in the field of social responsibility and sustainability, and master a proactive approach to finding solutions to these dilemmas in collaboration with others in the field of economics and business (PILO4a, PILO4c).
4. Know and be able to use a wide range of qualitative and quantitative methods in the execution of the research process (PILO1a).
5. Be capable of using relevant computer programs in data processing (PILO3a).
6. Critically synthesize information and recognize the practical value of knowledge in the field of research methodology in the global business environment within the field of economics and business (PILO2b).
7. Demonstrate independence and originality in problem-solving, being autonomous in planning and executing tasks at a professional level (PILO3b).
8. Master the knowledge of the field, operate accurately, and efficiently (PILO3b).
The PILO label (i.e., Programme Intended Learning Outcomes) defines the contribution of each listed intended learning outcome of a course towards achieving the general and/or subject-specific competencies or learning outcomes acquired through the programme.
Temeljna literatura
1. Kumar R., 2018. Research methodology: a step-by-step guide for beginners. SAGE, London.
2. Tominc,P., Čančer V., Rožman, M. (2018), Metode raziskovanja: Zbirka nalog, EPF Maribor.
Dodatna literatura
1. Hart C., 1998. Doing a literature review. SAGE, London.
2. Sounders, M., Lewis, P., Thomhill, A. (2016), Research methods for business students, Harlow (Essex): Pearson.
Additional information on implementation and assessment Written Exam or 2 Midterm Tests
Seminar Work
Written Exam or 2 Midterm Tests: Written exam or two midterm tests covering all main thematic areas. The student must achieve 56% of the maximum points on both tests combined. Completed methodological exercises are a prerequisite for taking the midterm tests.
Seminar Work: Systematic analysis of scientific literature (5 articles) and research plan development.