Objectives and competences
The aim of the course is to teach students to apply modern internal auditing methods, techniques and practices and to understand the purpose and objectives of internal auditing.
Content (Syllabus outline)
1. Introduction to internal auditing, it?s meaning, types and purposes, including the development of internal auditing;
2. Legal and professional rules (including ethical principles) regarding internal auditing
3. Methodology and methodics of internal auditing
4. Internal auditing subject areas (i.e., operational auditing, compliance, etc.)
5. Special thematic areas and aspects of internal auditing;
6. Professional aspects of internal auditing.
Learning and teaching methods
Lectures, discussions and case studies, individual coursework with presentation.
Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding
In this course students:
1. Acquire theoretical and applied knowledge of the methods, techniques and processes of internal auditing, its purpose and users, and the legal and professional environment or regulation (PILO 2a). (PILO 2a).
2. Acquire knowledge and understanding of international professional rules in the field of internal auditing (PILO 2b).
3. Get trained to apply theoretical knowledge to concrete examples of internal audits and internal audit activity (PILO 2a).
4. Meet and understand ethical frameworks and ethical dilemmas in internal audit activity and understand ethical and professional responsibility in the field of internal auditing (PILO 4a).
5. Be able to assess the ethicality of the organisation's operating and internal audit circumstances and be able to propose solutions to ethical problems (PILO 4c).
6. Get practical experience of problems in the field of internal auditing in a working group. (PILO 3c)
7. Develop professional ethical awareness and skills necessary for conducting internal auditing with the purpose of supporting the organization's sustainability goals (PILO 4b).
The PILO label (i.e., Programme Intended Learning Outcomes) defines the contribution of each listed intended learning outcome of a course towards achieving the general and/or subject-specific competencies or learning outcomes acquired through the programme.
Intended learning outcomes - transferable/key skills and other attributes
In this course students:
1. Acquire theoretical and applied knowledge of the methods, techniques and processes of internal auditing, its purpose and users, and the legal and professional environment or regulation (PILO 2a). (PILO 2a).
2. Acquire knowledge and understanding of international professional rules in the field of internal auditing (PILO 2b).
3. Get trained to apply theoretical knowledge to concrete examples of internal audits and internal audit activity (PILO 2a).
4. Meet and understand ethical frameworks and ethical dilemmas in internal audit activity and understand ethical and professional responsibility in the field of internal auditing (PILO 4a).
5. Be able to assess the ethicality of the organisation's operating and internal audit circumstances and be able to propose solutions to ethical problems (PILO 4c).
6. Get practical experience of problems in the field of internal auditing in a working group. (PILO 3c)
7. Develop professional ethical awareness and skills necessary for conducting internal auditing with the purpose of supporting the organization's sustainability goals (PILO 4b).
The PILO label (i.e., Programme Intended Learning Outcomes) defines the contribution of each listed intended learning outcome of a course towards achieving the general and/or subject-specific competencies or learning outcomes acquired through the programme.
Obvezna literatura:
- Franc Koletnik: Notranje revidiranje. Slovenski inštitut za revizijo, Ljubljana 2007.
- Internal Auditing: Assurance & Advisory Services, Fourth Edition: Urton L. Anderson, Michael J. Head, Sridhar Ramamoorti, Cris Riddle, Mark Salamasick, and Paul J. Sobel. 2017.
- Izbrane vsebine iz veljavnih strokovnih pravil o notranjem revidiranju.
- The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA). Global Internal Auditing Standards. Vsakokratna aktualna verzija standardov.
Priporočena dodatna literatura:
- Aktualna gradiva posredovana na predavanjih in vajah.
No requirements
Additional information on implementation and assessment Course paper
Final exam
Course paper - written course paper with oral defence.
Final exam - the written examination may be replaced by two intermediate tests. Regular attendance at lectures and tutorials (at least 70%) is a prerequisite for taking the mid-term tests.
Final exam - students may gain additional bonus points by actively participating in lectures and tutorials, which will be added to the points obtained in the written examination or in the intermediate tests (up to a maximum of 10% of the written examination).
Final exam - students may gain additional bonus points by actively participating in lectures and tutorials, which will be added to the points obtained in the written examination or in the intermediate tests (up to a maximum of 10% of the written examination).