Objectives and competences
Students build on their core legal knowledge with specific knowledge in the field of intellectual property law. They are able to distinguish between the different types of intellectual property rights and to apply the appropriate methods to obtain legal protection for them. They will be able to integrate theoretical knowledge into business practice and to design appropriate solutions in this field.
Content (Syllabus outline)
1. Introduction to the Intellectual Property Law
- The term and the meaning of IP
- Connection with other scientific disciplines and legal divisions
2. Legal Sources
- National (ZIL-1, ZASP, Employment Related Industrial Property Rights Act…)
- EU (Regulation on the European Union trademark, Council Regulation on Community designs…)
- International (The WIPO Convention, TRIPS, the Paris Convention, Madrid Agreement and Protocol…)
3. Selected intellectual property rights
- Patent, trademark, industrial design, geographical indications, copyright (their characteristics, terms and procedures of registration, scope of protection)
- Procedures of registration on all three levels (comparison, benefits and weaknesses)
4. Protection of IP in digital domain
- Big Data (protection of trade secrets, protection of personal data)
- Artificial Intelligence (systems of artificial intelligence, legal nature of their products)
Learning and teaching methods
- Interactivelectures
- Case study
- Active team work
- individual study of materials and legal cases
Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding
Student in this course:
1. systematically build on their core legal knowledge with specific knowledge in the field of intellectual property law at national, EU and international level (PILO 2b).
2. be able to apply theoretical knowledge in real business environments (PILO 1a).
3. develop the ability to understand IPR as an added value for business.
4. acquire the ability to search for and synthesise new information in the field of intellectual property protection using digital applications (PILO 3a).
5. identify the appropriate right to protect intellectual property as a result of a solution to a complex national or international problem in the company (PILO 2a, 2b)
6. be aware of the moral and ethical aspects of intellectual property in the digital age (PILO 4a)
The PILO label (i.e., Programme Intended Learning Outcomes) defines the contribution of each listed intended learning outcome of a course towards achieving the general and/or subject-specific competencies or learning outcomes acquired through the programme.
Intended learning outcomes - transferable/key skills and other attributes
Student in this course:
1. systematically build on their core legal knowledge with specific knowledge in the field of intellectual property law at national, EU and international level (PILO 2b).
2. be able to apply theoretical knowledge in real business environments (PILO 1a).
3. develop the ability to understand IPR as an added value for business.
4. acquire the ability to search for and synthesise new information in the field of intellectual property protection using digital applications (PILO 3a).
5. identify the appropriate right to protect intellectual property as a result of a solution to a complex national or international problem in the company (PILO 2a, 2b)
6. be aware of the moral and ethical aspects of intellectual property in the digital age (PILO 4a)
The PILO label (i.e., Programme Intended Learning Outcomes) defines the contribution of each listed intended learning outcome of a course towards achieving the general and/or subject-specific competencies or learning outcomes acquired through the programme.
Pretnar Bojan: Intelektualna lastnina, GV založba, Ljubljana 2002, Repas Martina: Pravo blagovnih in storitvenih znamk, GV založba, Ljubljana 2007, ustrezni slovenski, evropski in mednarodni predpisi s tega področja ter aktualna strokovna literatura iz tekoče pravne periodike.
Textbooks: Pretnar Bojan: Intelektualna lastnina, Repas Martina: Pravo blagovnih znamk, and adequate legislation and existing literature from legal periodicals.
Additional information on implementation and assessment Written test in digital form
Seminar work
Collaboration during lectures and tutorials
Written exam
Written test in digital form - a written test covering all major topics.
Seminar work - according to instructions given by the lecturer, students prepare individual seminar papers with theoretical and empirical part.
Collaboration during lectures and tutorials - shorter tasks that can be solved in the classroom.
Written exam - a written exam covering all topics.