Objectives and competences
This course is designed to train the students for efficient, critical and ethical communication, motivation and conflicts solving in business environment.
Content (Syllabus outline)
1 Communicating
1.1 Key dimensions of communications
1.2 Interpersonal in intrapersonal Communication
2 Motivating
2.1 Models of motivation
2.2 Motivation at work
3 Conflicts
3.1 Conflicts at work
3.2 Categories and levels of conflicts
3.3 Origins of conflicts
Learning and teaching methods
Written Exam or 3 Midterm Tests
Video Seminar Work
Written exam - written exam or 3 midterm tests covering all main thematic areas. The student must achieve 56% of the maximum points on 3 tests combined.
Video Seminar Work - systematic analysis of scientific literature (5 articles) and research plan development.
Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding
1. Upon fulfilling the obligations, the student will have an in-depth understanding of communication, motivation, and conflicts (PILO 2a).
2. The student will understand the interconnection and interdependence between communication, motivation, and conflicts (PILO 2a).
3. The student will be able to independently or in a group plan communication and motivation processes in a business environment in accordance with business ethics (PILO 2a, PILO 4c).
4. The student will be able to find appropriate solutions to problems in the field of communication and motivation and conflict resolution (PILO 2a, PILO 3c).
5. The student will understand the relationship between communication, motivation, and conflicts in accordance with established theories (PILO 2a, PILO 4c).
6. The student will be able to ethically assess the current situation and find appropriate alternative solutions and choose the most suitable one in given circumstances PILO 3c, PILO 4c).
The PILO label (i.e., Programme Intended Learning Outcomes) defines the contribution of each listed intended learning outcome of a course towards achieving the general and/or subject-specific competencies or learning outcomes acquired through the programme.
Intended learning outcomes - transferable/key skills and other attributes
1. Upon fulfilling the obligations, the student will have an in-depth understanding of communication, motivation, and conflicts (PILO 2a).
2. The student will understand the interconnection and interdependence between communication, motivation, and conflicts (PILO 2a).
3. The student will be able to independently or in a group plan communication and motivation processes in a business environment in accordance with business ethics (PILO 2a, PILO 4c).
4. The student will be able to find appropriate solutions to problems in the field of communication and motivation and conflict resolution (PILO 2a, PILO 3c).
5. The student will understand the relationship between communication, motivation, and conflicts in accordance with established theories (PILO 2a, PILO 4c).
6. The student will be able to ethically assess the current situation and find appropriate alternative solutions and choose the most suitable one in given circumstances PILO 3c, PILO 4c).
The PILO label (i.e., Programme Intended Learning Outcomes) defines the contribution of each listed intended learning outcome of a course towards achieving the general and/or subject-specific competencies or learning outcomes acquired through the programme.
Temeljna literatura
1. Mullins, L.J. (2023). Management and Organizational Behaviour. Pearson Eduction limited.
Dodatna literatura
1. Arnold J., Randall R. (2010). Work Psychology. Pearson Education Limited.
2. Berlogar, J. (1999). Organizacijsko komuniciranje – od konfliktov do skupnega pomena. Gospodarski vestnik, Ljubljana.
3. Blundell, R., Ippolito K. (2008). Effective organisational Communication. Pearson Education Limited.
4. Greenberg, J. (2011). Behavior in Organizations. Pearson Education Limited.
5. Grubiša, N. (2001). Motivacija: kako organizirati poslovanje in motivirati zaposlene. Marbona: Ljubljana.
6. Mumel, D. (2012). Komuniciranje v poslovnem okolju. Maribor: De Vesta.
7. Shapiro, D. 1996. Konflikt in komunikacije. Ljubljana: Zavod za odprto družbo.
Additional information on implementation and assessment