Objectives and competences

- Systematically and in detail enhance theoretical knowledge in the field of corporate governance and management. - Gain the ability of understanding of differences and similarities among diverse management concepts as well as different models of integral management. - Gain the ability to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in the field of corporate governance and management, which will allow her/him critically to evaluate research, advanced scholarship and different models of integral management as well as autonomy and originality in solving problems in the field of corporate governance and management.

Content (Syllabus outline)

I. Dimensions of modern management - management and modern environment - business operating from management’s point of view - discussing selected examples of good managerial practice II. Governance and integral management ? The nature and context of organizations, companies (goal oriented integrity of processes, stakeholders and formal institution, types of organizations, companies) ? Management as integrating activity ? The MER model of integral management: process, institutional and instrumental dimension ? The role of managers ? Corporate responsibility and ethics ? Culture and change

Learning and teaching methods

- lectures - case studies - active group work

Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding

Development of knowledge and understanding: - Has depth and systematic understanding of knowledge in area of corporate governance and manegement and can work with theoretical/research-based knowledge on different concepts and models of management at the forefront of their academic discipline. - Has the awareness and ability to manage the implications of ethical dilemmas and work pro-actively with others to formulate solutions. Cognitive/Intellectual skills: - With critical awareness can undertake analysis of complex, incomplete or contradictory areas of knowledge communicating the outcome effectively. - With critical awareness, can synthesise information in a manner that may be innovative, utilising knowledge from the forefront of the discipline / practice of corporate governance and management. - Has a level of conceptual understanding of corporate governance and management that will allow her/him critically to evaluate research, advanced scholarship and methodologies and argue alternative approaches Can demonstrate initiative and originality in problem solving in the area of corporate governance and management.

Intended learning outcomes - transferable/key skills and other attributes

Key/Transferable skills - Can competently undertake research tasks with minimum guidance. - Is an independent and self critical learner Has independent learning ability required for continuing professional study, making professional use of others where appropriate. Practical skills: Can operate in complex and unpredictable and/or specialised contexts, and has an overview of the issues governing good practice.


Literatura za I. tematski sklop: Temeljna: • Bateman, T.S., Scott, A.S. (2018): Management: Leading & Collaborating in a Competitive World 11th Edition., McGraw-Hill, New York, USA • Finerty, S.Z. (2019): Cross-Functional Influence: Getting Things Done Across the Organization. Two Harbors Press, Minneapolis, USA • Smythe, J (2019): The CEO Chief Engagement Officer: Turning Hierarchy Upside Down to Drive Performance. Gower, Aldershot, UK • Kovoor-Misra, S. (2019): Crisis Management: Resilience and Change. SAGE Publications, Thousand Oaks, USA • Graban, M, (2018): Measures of Success: React Less, Lead Better, Improve More. Constancy, Inc, Colleyville, USA Za izpopolnitev potrebnih izhodiščnih znanj za razumevanje integralnega managementa: • Grušovnik, D., Kavkler, A., Uršič, D. (2017): Dimensions of decision-making process quality and company performance : a study of top managers in Slovenia. Naše gospodarstvo : revija za aktualna gospodarska vprašanja, ISSN 0547-3101. [Tiskana izd.], letn. 63, št. 4, str. 66-75. • Mohorič Kenda, A.,Leskovar, R., Pirnat, R., Uršič, D., Pukšič, M. 2016): Empirical evidence on violations of patient rights in the Republic of Slovenia. V: Lex localis - Journal of Local Self Government Annual Conference - Porto/Portugal (June 16 - June 17, 2016) : special issue, (Lex localis, ISSN 1581-5374, Vol. 14, no. 3, July). Maribor: Institute for Local Self-Government and Public Procurement. 2016, vol. 14, no. 3, str. 575-589. • Peršič, M., Uršič, D., Veselinovič, D. (2014): The impact of the implementation of a learning organization on the formation of a positive organizational identity. International journal of management, knowledge and learning, ISSN 2232-5107. [Tiskana izd.], 2014, vol. 3, iss. 2, str. 165-180, 281. • Uršič, D. Inoviranje podjetja kot poslovno-organizacijskega sistema. V: Ivanuša, Teodora, et al. Matjaž Mulej in 40 let njegove dialektične teorije sistemov : enostranskost in celovitost : znanstvena monografija. Ljubljana: Zavod za varnostne strategije. 2014, str. 101-132.] Dopolnilna za razširitev znanja z izbranimi tematskimi področji: • Aktualne teme po dogovoru Literatura za II. tematski sklop: Temeljna: ? Mullins, L. J. (2010): Management & Organizational Behaviour. 9th Edition. Prentice Hall, Pearson. Pages: 12-40, 77-96, 113-126, 424-455, 704-735, 736-774. ? Belak, J. Belak, Jer., Duh, M. (2014). Integral management and governance: basic features of MER model. Saarbrücken: Lambert Academic Publishing. Pages: 24-35, 63-100.

  • red. prof. Dr. rer. pol. Zvezna republika Nemčija JERNEJ BELAK, univ. dipl. teolog
  • red. prof. dr. DUŠKO URŠIČ, univ. dipl. ekon.

  • Written examination: 50
  • Seminar paper: 50

  • : 15
  • : 15
  • : 120

  • English
  • English