Objectives and competences

- understand credibility of an enterprise and the importance of the credible enterprise for achieving the required effectiveness; - enhance student’s ability for establishing an enterprise as a credible partner to all (internal and external) stakeholders

Content (Syllabus outline)

- The definition of the culture with science, philosophy, religion, art and technique dimensions by Makarovič; the illustration of all dimensions on the enterprise's culture. - The definition of the culture as well as philosophy of the responsible enterprise by Bleicher and Kralj. - The definition of the credible enterprise by Thommen. - The model of the credibility and ethics implementation. - Particularities of credibility and ethics implementation of an enterprise in different life cycle phases. - The MER Model of integral management and the enterprise's credibility. - Case studies.

Learning and teaching methods

- lectures - case studies - active individual and group work

Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding

Knowledge and Understanding: - capacity for analysis and synthesis - identify new developments of business organizations to cope with changing environment - understand ethical and cultural principles in enterprise - identify and use ethical instruments for ensuring the enterprises’ success - appreciation of diversity and multiculturality

Intended learning outcomes - transferable/key skills and other attributes

Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: - capacity for applying knowledge in practice - research skills - capacity for generating new ideas - capacity to adapt to new situations - ability to work in an interdisciplinary team - decision-making - ethical commitment


Temeljna: • PRIMEC, Andreja, BELAK, Jernej. Sustainable CSR : Legal and Managerial demands of the new EU legislation (CSRD) for the future corporate governance practices. Sustainability. 2022, vol. 14, issue 24, str. 1-29, ilustr. ISSN 2071-1050., DOI: 10.3390/su142416648. [COBISS.SI-ID 136291843], [JCR, SNIP, WoS do 14. 4. 2023: št. citatov (TC): 1, čistih citatov (CI): 1, čistih citatov na avtorja (CIAu): 0,50, Scopus do 1. 4. 2023: št. citatov (TC): 1, čistih citatov (CI): 1, čistih citatov na avtorja (CIAu): 0,50] kategorija: 1A1 (Z, A'', A', A1/2); uvrstitev: Scopus (d), SCIE, SSCI, Scopus, MBP (CAB, DOAJ, ERIHPLUS, FSTA, GEOREF, INSPEC); tip dela je verificiral OSICD • Belak, Jernej, Thommen Jean-Paul, Belak Janko (2014): Integralni management in upravljanje: kultura, etika in verodostojnost podjetja. Založba MER, Maribor. • Belak, J.: Business Ethics Impementation at Different Stages of the Enterprise Life Cycle. Založba MER, Maribor, 2009. Za izpopolnitev potrebnih izhodiščnih znanj: • Thommen J.-P. (2003): Glaubwuerdigkeit und Corporate Governance. Versus Verlag, Zuerich. • Thommen J.-P. (2003): Primer etike podjetja: Podjetje Jonson&Jonson. V: Belak J., soavtorice in soavtorji (2003): Praktikum managementa. Druga spremenjena izdaja. Založba MER v Mariboru, str. 13 - 30. • Thommen J.-P. (1993): Etika podjetja. V: Belak J. in soavtorji (1993): Podjetništvo, politika podjetja in management. Založba Obzorja, Maribor. • Makarovič J. (1986): Sla po neskončnosti. Človek kot ustvarjalec. Založba Obzorja, Maribor. • Kralj, J. (2003): Management. Visoka šola za management v Kopru, str. 157 – 195. • Kajzer Š. (2004): Ravnati v poslovanju (ne)etično? Razgledi MBA, štev 1-2, letnik 10. EPF - Maribor. • Belak, Jernej (2006): Corporate governance and corporate social responsibility: business ethics implementation in different enterprise life cycle stage. Bulding international communities through collaboration (Elektronski vir). British AcaDEMY OF Management Conference 2006, Belfast. • Belak Janko (2003): MER-ov model integralnega managementa. V: Belak J., soavtorice in soavtorji (2003): Integralni management in razvoj podjetja. Založba MER v Mariboru. • Belak J. (2002): Politika podjetja in strateški management. Druga dopolnjena izdaja. Založba MER v Mariboru. • Bleicher K.(1994): Normatives Management. Campus Verlag, Frankfurt. • Huppenbauer M, De Bernardi J.(2003): Kompetenz Ethik. Versus Verlag, Zuerich. • Weiss J.W. (1994): Business Ethichs, Waldsworth Publishing Company, Belmont. • Sterba J.P.(1998): Etichs, The Big Questions, Oxford. • Waibl E. (2005): Angewandte Wirtschaftsethik. WUV Universitaetsverlag, Wien. • Freeman R. E., Gilbert D. R., Jr. (1991): Unternehmensstrategie, Ethik und persoenliche Verantwortung. Campus Verlag, Frankfurt / New York. Dopolnilna literatura za razširitev znanja z izbranimi tematskimi področji bo določena individualno glede na izbrano seminarsko raziskavo.

  • red. prof. Dr. rer. pol. Zvezna republika Nemčija JERNEJ BELAK, univ. dipl. teolog

  • Individual research work: 70
  • Written and oral examinations: 30

  • : 15
  • : 15
  • : 120

  • English
  • English