Objectives and competences
Add to the knowledge and values, which students have acquired in their undergraduate studies, the capability of invention/innovation management in co-operation of research , development and operational parts of an enterprise, as well as of independent organization of this kind, such as universities and institutes on one hand and enterprises and other operational entities on the other hand.
Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes:
Understanding and using knowledge to be able to assess, reach agreement and learn, to use analytical methods concerning inventions and innovations, a developed feeling for cultural differences, team work capability, systems thinking, ...
Content (Syllabus outline)
Introduction to innovative management and strategic development
Sources and types of innovations and interrelatedness with ethics, social responsibility and sustainable development
Management of creativeness, creative environment and development of ideas
Theory of diffusion of invention in society
Studying innovating in most innovative companies.
Characteristics of making of the current model and practice of innovation and management of Japan
Characteristics of making of the current model and practice of innovation and management of USA
Shared and differentiating characteristics of management and innovation of EU, Japan and USA
Case studies of most innovative companies.
Zapiski predavanj v UM e studij MS Teams in dodatni viri, s katerimi se študenti seznanijo na predavanjih / Lecture notes in UM e studies MS teams and additional sources instructed to students in the class
Ženko, Zdenka, Huđek, Ivona. Innovation management : some management theories relevant for understanding of workers role. V: BEZPARTOCHNYI, M. (ur.). Organizational-economic mechanism of management innovative development of economic entities. Vol. 1. Przeworsk (Poland): Higher School of Social and Economic: = Wyższa Szkoła Społeczno-Gospodarcza. 2019, str. 34-48. [COBISS.SI-ID 13391644]
Dodatna študijska literatura (Additonal textbooks):
Burgelman, R., Christensen, C., Wheelwright, S. (2004) Strategic Management of technology and Innovation, McGraw Hill, New York.
Chesbrough, Henry. Open Services Innovation. Jossey Bass. San Francisco. USA. 2011.
Drucker, Peter (1998): The Discipline of Innovation. Harvard Business Review, Nov-Dec 1998.
Rogers, E. M. (2003): Diffusion of Innovation, 5th ed. New York. Free Press
Schilling Meslissa (2005) Strategic Management of Technological Innovation, McGrawHill, New York, USA
Drugi novi mednarodni in slovenski viri po sprotnem izboru/Other new international and Slovenian references on a real time basis