Objectives and competences
Students are able to understand and use the appropriate analytical methods for marketing data, gain knowledge for the use of appropriate techniques in the field of marketing data analysis, and achieve the level of independent results interpretation in scope of marketing analytics.
Content (Syllabus outline)
1. Marketing information system
2. Market orientation
3. Measurement theory in marketing
4. Validity and reliability
5. Analytical methods for validity and reliability testing
6. Analytical methods for differences and associations testing.
7. Segmentation analysis.
8. Analysis of web data.
Learning and teaching methods
ex-cathedra lecturers;
analyzing case studies;
active group work.
software use
Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding
Students can:
1. Evaluate market-oriented approaches inside the organization (PILO 2a).
2. Differentiate between the terms concept, construct and variable (PILO 2a, 2b).
3. Design a valid and reliable measurement scale for data collection (PILO 2c, 4c).
4. Critically assess validity and reliability of measurement scale with factor analysis (PILO 1a, 2c).
5. Acquire skills for the identification of the appropriate technique for marketing data analysis (PILO 1a, 2c).
6. Master skills to calculate differences and associations between the variables with appropriate statistical techniques (PILO 1a, 2c).
7. Acquire skills for the use of the appropriate technique for marketing data analysis (PILO 1a, 2c).
8. Are able to communicate the results of deployed analysis effectively (PILO 3b, 3c).
The PILO label (i.e., Programme Intended Learning Outcomes) defines the contribution of each listed intended learning outcome of a course towards achieving the general and/or subject-specific competencies or learning outcomes acquired through the programme.
Intended learning outcomes - transferable/key skills and other attributes
Students can:
1. Evaluate market-oriented approaches inside the organization (PILO 2a).
2. Differentiate between the terms concept, construct and variable (PILO 2a, 2b).
3. Design a valid and reliable measurement scale for data collection (PILO 2c, 4c).
4. Critically assess validity and reliability of measurement scale with factor analysis (PILO 1a, 2c).
5. Acquire skills for the identification of the appropriate technique for marketing data analysis (PILO 1a, 2c).
6. Master skills to calculate differences and associations between the variables with appropriate statistical techniques (PILO 1a, 2c).
7. Acquire skills for the use of the appropriate technique for marketing data analysis (PILO 1a, 2c).
8. Are able to communicate the results of deployed analysis effectively (PILO 3b, 3c).
The PILO label (i.e., Programme Intended Learning Outcomes) defines the contribution of each listed intended learning outcome of a course towards achieving the general and/or subject-specific competencies or learning outcomes acquired through the programme.
Obvezna študijska literatura (Compulsory textbooks):
1. Milfelner, B. (2023). Tehnike za zagotavljanje veljavnosti in zanesljivosti podatkov v marketinških raziskavah in analiza podatkov v marketingu. Maribor: Univerza v Mariboru – Univerzitetna založba.
Dodatna (neobvezna) študijska literatura:
2. Malhotra, N., Nunan, D., Birks, D.F. (2017). Marketing Research. An Applied Aproach. Harlow: PearsonEducation Limited (str. 491-735)
3. Burns, A. C., & Veeck, A. (2017). Marketing research. Harlow, Pearson (str. 350-431).
4. Winston, W. L. (2014). Marketing analytics: Data-driven techniques with Microsoft Excel. Indianapolis: John Wiley & Sons.
Additional information on implementation and assessment seminar work.
written exam or two tests
Seminar work.- the student prepares seminar work with theoretical and empirical part, in accordance with the instructions.
Written exam or two tests - written exam or two intermediate tests covering all major thematic areas. On average. Students must score 56% of the points for a positive grade in two tests.