Objectives and competences
Course International and Digital Entrepreneurship provides students with a comprehensive insight into the dynamics of international and digital entrepreneurship and their impact on the modern economy. Students develop key competences to identify and exploit global and/or digital business opportunities, while gaining knowledge on how to strategically enter international markets and exploit digital business opportunities. With a focus on intercultural understanding, students develop competences to analyse international business models and to act ethically and socially as a responsible entrepreneur.
Content (Syllabus outline)
1. The concept of international entrepreneurship
2. The concept of digital entrepreneurship in global society
3. Business opportunities in an international and digital context
4. International and digital business models
5. Globalization and the international environment
6. Entering the international markets
7. Features of doing business in the digital environment
8. Identification of the market, customers and partners
9. Development of international and digital enterprise from selected aspects of entrepreneurial team, networking, competitive advantage and financing
10. Cultural dimensions of international entrepreneurship
11. Managing digital and international business
12. International and digital entrepreneurship ecosystem
13. Case studies
Learning and teaching methods
• Interactive lectures using multimedia tools and digital resources to deliver theoretical knowledge, promoting student engagement and understanding.
• Analysis of real case studies in international and digital entrepreneurship to develop students' analytical and decision-making skills.
• Involvement of guest lecturers who can share their experience, knowledge and best practices in international and digital entrepreneurship.
• Active learning and participation through group and individual assignments that require the application of theoretical knowledge to practical examples and their ethical and sustainable evaluation.
Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding
Students in this course will:
1. Acquire advanced knowledge and understanding of international and digital entrepreneurship, including its impact on the global economy, enabling them to design and conduct applied research in this context (PILO1a, PILO, 2b).
2. Integrate and apply theories, models and tools of international and digital entrepreneurship to analyse specific situations and challenges in their field of expertise (PILO2a).
3. Develop the ability to critically evaluate and analyse the strategies and functionalities of business and economics using advanced research methodologies (PILO2c).
4. Demonstrate effective problem-solving and decision-making skills using modern qualitative and quantitative methods, supported by digitalisation processes and artificial intelligence (PILO3a).
5. Effectively present and defend their business solutions derived from international and digital entrepreneurship (PILO3b).
6. Develop teamwork skills that enable collaborative problem solving in an international and digital business environment. (PILO3c)
7. Identify moral issues and make ethically responsible professional decisions in the context of international and digital business. (PILO4a)
8. Develop and implement sustainable business practices in international and digital entrepreneurship from a sustainable development perspective. (PILO4b)
9. Evaluate economic and business situations from ethical and professional perspectives and propose responsible solutions. (PILO4c)
The PILO label (i.e., Programme Intended Learning Outcomes) defines the contribution of each listed intended learning outcome of a course towards achieving the general and/or subject-specific competencies or learning outcomes acquired through the programme.
Intended learning outcomes - transferable/key skills and other attributes
Students in this course will:
1. Acquire advanced knowledge and understanding of international and digital entrepreneurship, including its impact on the global economy, enabling them to design and conduct applied research in this context (PILO1a, PILO, 2b).
2. Integrate and apply theories, models and tools of international and digital entrepreneurship to analyse specific situations and challenges in their field of expertise (PILO2a).
3. Develop the ability to critically evaluate and analyse the strategies and functionalities of business and economics using advanced research methodologies (PILO2c).
4. Demonstrate effective problem-solving and decision-making skills using modern qualitative and quantitative methods, supported by digitalisation processes and artificial intelligence (PILO3a).
5. Effectively present and defend their business solutions derived from international and digital entrepreneurship (PILO3b).
6. Develop teamwork skills that enable collaborative problem solving in an international and digital business environment. (PILO3c)
7. Identify moral issues and make ethically responsible professional decisions in the context of international and digital business. (PILO4a)
8. Develop and implement sustainable business practices in international and digital entrepreneurship from a sustainable development perspective. (PILO4b)
9. Evaluate economic and business situations from ethical and professional perspectives and propose responsible solutions. (PILO4c)
The PILO label (i.e., Programme Intended Learning Outcomes) defines the contribution of each listed intended learning outcome of a course towards achieving the general and/or subject-specific competencies or learning outcomes acquired through the programme.
Obvezna literatura:
1. Bradač Hojnik, B. (2022). Mednarodno in digitalno podjetništvo. EPF. (dostopno v Moodlu predmeta). (skripta v pripravi)
2. Zucchella, A., Hagen, B., Serapio, M.G. (2018). International Entrepreneurship. Ewdard Elgar. (Izbrana poglavja).
3. Allen, J.P. (2019). Digital entrepreneurship. Routledge. (Izbrana poglavja).
Dodatna literatura:
1. Hervé, A., Schmitt, C., & Baldegger, R. (2020). Digitalization, Entrepreneurial Orientation and Internationalization of Micro-, Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Technology Innovation Management Review, 10(4): 5-17.
2. Westerlund, M. (2020). Digitalization, Internationalization and Scaling of Online SMEs. Technology Innovation Management Review, 10(4): 48-57.
3. Penn, J., Wihbey, J. (2015). Uber, Airbnb and Consequences of the Sharing Economy: Research Roundup. Global Policy. http://www.globalpolicyjournal.com/blog/14/04/2015/uber-airbnb-and-consequences-sharing-economy-research-roundup
4. Tominc, P., Rebernik, M., Bradač Hojnik, B., Širec, K. (2019). Danube region entrepreneurship observatory: Entrepreneursjip Ecosystem, Women and Youth Entrepreneurship. Harlow [etc.]: Pearson.
5. Hisrich, Robert D. (2015). International entrepreneurship: starting, developing, and managing a global venture, 3rd edition. SAGE Publications.
6. Etemad, H. (2004). Internationalization of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises: A Grounded Theoretical framework and an Overview. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 21(1): 1-21.
7. Schweizer, R., Vahlne, J., Johanson, J. (2010). Internationalization as an entrepreneurial process. Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 8:343–370.
8. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Reports (www.gemconsortium.org).