Objectives and competences
The aim of this course is to acquire in-depth knowledge about the structure of bodies in capital companies, their powers, duties and responsibilities and relationships with shareholders and other stakeholders, and thereby train candidates for practical work.
Content (Syllabus outline)
- The management structure of a joint-stock company and a limited liability company.
- Legal relations between the company and the partners and their interests.
- Competence, duties and responsibilities of corporate bodies and their mutual relations.
- Statutory, sub-statutory and autonomous sources of corporate bodies and the management code of public joint-stock companies.
- Relationships between bodies at affiliated companies.
- The role of stakeholders in corporate governance.
- The influence of co-management on the functioning of corporate bodies.
- Corporate management using data science, as an interdisciplinary field whose purpose is to obtain important information for companies, the research sphere and politics and is based on three key areas: computer science, mathematics and domain knowledge, which represent the areas in which data is collected and they use.
Learning and teaching methods
- Lectures and consultations
- Case studies
- Critical analysis of scientific papers
- Active research work
- Discussing court decisions and case studies
Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding
The student will be able to:
1. Differentiate key concepts and principles of corporate governance using databases (PILO 1a).
2. Assess the legal and regulatory frameworks governing corporate governance (PILO 2a, PILO 2c).
3. Utilize databases to evaluate key factors influencing the success of corporate governance (PILO 2a).
4. Evaluate the financial and strategic aspects of corporate governance using databases (PILO 2b, PILO 3a).
5. Create and evaluate corporate governance strategies (PILO 3a).
6. Differentiate ethical dilemmas that may arise in corporate governance in connection with ESG standards (PILO 4a, PILO 4b).
7. Categorize, justify, and present concrete examples of current corporate governance practices using databases (PILO 3b).
The PILO label (i.e., Programme Intended Learning Outcomes) defines the contribution of each listed intended learning outcome of a course towards achieving the general and/or subject-specific competencies or learning outcomes acquired through the programme.
Intended learning outcomes - transferable/key skills and other attributes
The student will be able to:
1. Differentiate key concepts and principles of corporate governance using databases (PILO 1a).
2. Assess the legal and regulatory frameworks governing corporate governance (PILO 2a, PILO 2c).
3. Utilize databases to evaluate key factors influencing the success of corporate governance (PILO 2a).
4. Evaluate the financial and strategic aspects of corporate governance using databases (PILO 2b, PILO 3a).
5. Create and evaluate corporate governance strategies (PILO 3a).
6. Differentiate ethical dilemmas that may arise in corporate governance in connection with ESG standards (PILO 4a, PILO 4b).
7. Categorize, justify, and present concrete examples of current corporate governance practices using databases (PILO 3b).
The PILO label (i.e., Programme Intended Learning Outcomes) defines the contribution of each listed intended learning outcome of a course towards achieving the general and/or subject-specific competencies or learning outcomes acquired through the programme.
- JOVANOVIČ, Dušan, BRATINA, Borut, ČREŠNIK, David. Podjetniško (korporacijsko) in davčno pravo. Stvarno kazalo Nikola Jovanović. 1. izd. Maribor: Založba WD: Poslovna založba, 2023. 645 str. ISBN 978-961-94599-7-3. [COBISS.SI-ID 130205187]
- KOCBEK, Marijan, IVANJKO, Šime, BRATINA, Borut, PODGORELEC, Peter. Nadzorni sveti in upravni odbori v delniških družbah in družbah z omejeno odgovornostjo. 1. natis. Ljubljana: GV založba, 2010.
- IVANJKO Šime, KOCBEK, Marijan, PRELIČ Saša: Korporacijsko pravo, Ljubljana, GV Založba 2009.
- Kodeks upravljanja javnih delniških družb, Ljubljana: Ljubljanska borza, Združenje nadzornikov Slovenije in Združenje Manager.
- G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance, OECD 202315.
- OECD Guidelines on Corproate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises, OECD 2015.
- Zakon o gospodarskih družbah, ZGD-1
- Ostalo po dogovoru z nosilci predmeta
Understanding and connecting and applying concepts and institutes of commercial law and especially company law.
Additional information on implementation and assessment Monthly assignments (20%)
Course paper (30%)
Final exam (50%)
Monthly assignments - conduct and brief presentation of an original empirical study.
Course paper - individually written course paper with oral defence.
Final exam - written exam with at least one question from each method covered.