Objectives and competences
1. Are familiarised with the applicability of statistical methods for business problems.
2. Enhance their theoretical knowledge in the field of of statistical techniques and methods with the purpose to be able to develop different data into useful information for business decision making.
3. Acquire analytical mathematical-statistical approach to analysis of business problems, consisting of:
- Formulate the problem in terms of statistics.
- Identify the appropriate statistical techniques.
- Solve the problem.
- Interpret the results (what the solution means for the problem at hand).
Content (Syllabus outline)
Content of the first part
Probability theory basics: trials and events, event operations, statstical and classical definition of probability, product probability, Bernoulli formula.Discrete and continuous distributions: definition and basic notions, distribution function, mean, variance, moments, important distributions (binomial, Poisson, hypergeometric, normal, - distribution, t – distribution and F – distribution).
Sampling and hypothesis testing: finite and infinite statistical set, statistics and parameter estimation, interval parameter estimates, type I error and type II error, - test, ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallisov test.
Statistical software: SPSS.
Machine learning fundamentals. Economic applications are included in most chapters.
Content of the second part:
• Data-collection
• Graphs and table constructions
• Relative numbers (indices)
• Measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, skewness and kurtosis
• Confidence intervals and basics of hypothesis testing
• Basics of simple regression
• Basics of the time series analysis and forecasting
• Use of software package (SPSS).
Learning and teaching methods
- lectures;
- AV presentations;
- case studies;
- active individual and group work
Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding
Development of knowledge and understanding:
1. Understand basic concepts of .descriptive and mathematical statistics.
2. Learn to apply statistical methods in solving business problems.
3. Can demonstrate awareness of ethical issues in the field of statistical analysis.
4. Are able to discuss ethical issues in relation to personal beliefs and values.
Intended learning outcomes - transferable/key skills and other attributes
Cognitive/Intellectual skills:
1. Can analyse with guidance using given classification/principles.
2. Can collect and arrange data and ideas in a standard way.
3. Can evaluate the reliability of data using defined techniques and under guidance.
4. Students develop greater independence of thought and the ability to solve problems.
Key/Transferable skills
1. Use ICT.
2. Develop skills for team work.
3. Develop professional ethics.
4. Develop learning techniques and strategies for individual study, permanent reflection and evaluation.
5. Develop interest for lifelong learning.
1. del predmeta - The first part:
Osnovna študijska literature (Compulsory textbooks):
Indihar, S., Kavkler,, I., & Mastinšek, M. (1999). Matematika za ekonomiste, 1. del. Maribor: EPF. (izbrana poglavja)
Kavkler, A. & Kavkler, I. (2014). Zapiski predavanj pri predmetu Statistika, 1. del. Maribor: EPF.
Kavkler, A. (2014). Gradivo za vaje pri predmetu Statistika, 1. del. Maribor: EPF.
Dodatna študijska literature (Additonal textbooks):
Marovt, J. (2008). Učno gradivo pri predmetu Statistika (1. del predmeta). Maribor: EPF.
G. Keller, G. & Warrack, B. (2000). Statistics for Management and Economics. London: Thomson Learning. (izbrana poglavja)
Marovt, J. (2010). Gradivo pri predmetu Statistika: praktikum iz osnov verjetnostnega računa. Maribor: EPF.
2. del predmeta – The second part
Tominc P. (2016). Statistika (2. del predmeta). Učno gradivo pri predmetu Statistika (2. del predmeta), interno gradivo, Maribor: EPF.
ROŽMAN, Maja, TOMINC, Polona. Poslovna statistika in statistika (drugi del predmeta) : gradivo : naloge za laboratorijske vaje. Maribor: Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta, 1. jun. 2019. 35 str., ilustr., graf. prikazi, tabele. [COBISS.SI-ID 13603100]
Izbrana poglavja iz (Selected chapters)
Groebner, D.F., Shannon, P.W., Fry, P.C. Smith, K.D. (2011). Business statistics – a decision-making approach, Pearson Prentice Hall. Dostopno na spletu May 15, 2019/Accessed on May 15, 2019 at: https://myadm2014.files.wordpress.com/2017/02/david-f-groebner-patrick-w-shannon-phillip-c-fry-kent-d-smith-business-statistics-8th-edition-20101.pdf
Additional information on implementation and assessment -active participation in class discussions;
-seminar research work;
-written examination or 2 tests
The exam is passed when 44 out of 80 points are obtained by written axam AND at the same time, the sum together with points obtained by the active participation in class, equals at least 56 points (out of all 100).