Objectives and competences
In this course students:
1. Systematically enhance their theoretical knowledge in the field of brand management and are able to apply it.
2. Gain the ability to apply their theoretical knowledge in complex practical problems in the field of brand management.
3. Acquire different approaches to analysis of brand identity and brand value and are able to critically evaluate it.
4. Make critical judgements based on a sound theoretical base.
Content (Syllabus outline)
1. Trends leveriging the importance of brands
2. Brand concept and importance of brand management
3. Brand asset
4. Brand management
" Brand identity (vision, visualization, personality, …)
" Creating brand knowledge
" Choosing brand elements
" Brand objectives and strategies
" Brand development
" Brand architecture
5. Brand value measurement
Learning and teaching methods
• Ex-catedra lecturing.
• Interactive lecturing.
• Multimedia presentations.
• Case studies.
• Seminar projects.
• Solving fictive and actual problems.
• Team work.
Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding
Development of knowledge and understanding:
1. Acquire knowledge in the area of brand management.
2. Are able to explain brand elements and interconnections between internal and external brand view.
3. Develop skills to review the gained results in the field of brand value.
4. Learn how to analyse and synthesise different approaches in the field of brands with changing market conditions.
5. Are able to demonstrate a critical ethical dimension in their work.
Cognitive/Intellectual skills:
1. Understand and apply critical analysis and theory development and their usability in solving real and abstract professional problems, without guidance.
2. Get the ability to search for and synthesize new information from the field of brands in literature and praxis and to place them in appropriate professional frame.
3. Can identify key aspects of problem from different viewpoints and are able to find solutions.
Intended learning outcomes - transferable/key skills and other attributes
Key/Transferable skills
1. Further develop skills and expertise in the field of marketing.
2. Upgrade the ability to become an autonomous learner.
3. Upgrade the ability to apply information technology.
4. Upgrade the ability for team-work and team leadership.
5. Further develop their communication skills in an effective manner to effectively solve conflicts.
6. Can identify key aspects of problem from different viewpoints and are able to find solutions.
7. Can select and manage information with minimal guidelines.
Practical skills:
1. Is able to act autonomously with minimal guidelines and supervision.
Obvezna študijska literatura (Compulsory textbooks):
PISNIK, A. (2021): E- gradivo Blagovne znamke: temeljni pojmi in strategije (v Moodlu)
PISNIK, A. (2022): Blagovne znamke: temeljni pojmi in strategije, Univerzitetna založba UM
De Chernatony, L. (2002): Blagovna znamka: od vizije do vrednotenja - strateško oblikovanje in vzdrževanje blagovnih znamk. Ljubljana : GV založba, 2002
Dodatna študijska literatura (Additonal textbooks):
Keller, K. L. (najnovejša izdaja). Strategic Brand Management. Upper Saddle River, N. J., London…: Prentice-Hall.
Kapferer, J.-N. (najnovejša izdaja). The New Strategic Brand Management. London: Kogan Page.
Besedila, ki jih nosilka predmeta v začetku semestra navede.
Texts prescribed by the lecturer
• Fundamentals of Marketing
• The students can attend the tests if they fulfil 70% attendance criteria at the lectures.
Additional information on implementation and assessment Written exam can be substituted with two tests during the study semester.