Objectives and competences
In this course students:
1. Students get the knowledge on the meaning and the role of environment protection as distinctive inter- and multidiscipline field of interest and its integration into business decisions of enterprises.
2. Learn the proper understanding and using of terminology of environment protection and product ecodesign.
3. Acquaint with the environmental impact of the products and the significance of their reduction and elimination for the company.
4. Acquaint the basic knowledges on the role and concepts of ecodesign of products as a clear trend in the international economy.
Content (Syllabus outline)
1. Technological production systems
2. Standardization and quality of products
3. Fundamentals of environmental
protection and ecology
4. Environmental pollution mechanisms
5. Firm's impacts on natural environment
6. Environmental protection strategies
7. Environmental management systems (ISO 14001, EMAS)
8. Products impacts on natural environment
9. Product carbon footprint and water footprint
10. Waste treatment; Concepts of industrial ecology and circular economy
11. Environmental life-cycle concept
12. Life cycle assessment (LCA)
13. Concepts and characteristics of
product ecodesign
14. Eco-labelling
15. Packaging (role, functions, environmental impacts)
Learning and teaching methods
case studies
tutorial and laboratory work (active group work of students)
Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding
Development of knowledge and understanding:
1. Explain the significance of environment protection integration into product design as a long-term trend of modern economy.
2. Acquire the skills to identify the interactions between business environment and natural environment.
3. the knowledge for more efficient marketing, purchasing and materials management.
4. Solve the problems with modern methodological and analytical tools and methods based on standards.
Cognitive/Intellectual skills:
1. Can execute the basic analysis with guidance using given principles.
2. Can interpret data and ideas as well as get the ability to search for and synthesize new information from the field of environmental policy and new product development.
3. Synthesize different knowledge and procedures and are aware of using professional literature.
4. Can identify key aspects of problem from inter- and multidiscipline view points.
5. Students develop greater independence of thought and the ability to solve problems.
Intended learning outcomes - transferable/key skills and other attributes
Key/Transferable skills
1. Are able to analyse problems and find solutions in a multidiscipline way.
2. Judge better and, consequently, more efficiently integrate knowledge acquired into business decisions.
3. Develop skills for team work.
4. Get better communication skills in an effective manner.
5. Develop professional ethics.
Practical skills:
1. Identify key areas and can choose appropriate tools and methods for their resolution in a considered manner.
2. Are able to integrate the basic environmental aspects into business decisions.
Radonjič, Gregor. 2020. Ekologija proizvodov. Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta, Maribor.
Wenzel, H., Hauschild, M. and L. Alting (1997). Environmental Assessment of Products. Chapman and Hall, London.
Sonnemann, G. in M. Margni (Eds.) (2015). Life Cycle Management. Springer, Dordrecht.
Brezet, H. and C. van Hamel (1997). Ecodesign: A Promising Approach to Sustainable Production and Consumption. United Nations Environmental Programme, Paris.
Zbicinski I., Stavenuiter J., Kozlowska B. and H. van de Coevering (2006). Product Design and Life Cycle Assessment. Book 3 in a series on Environmental Management. Baltic University Press, Uppsala.
Additional information on implementation and assessment 70% - written examination
30% - completed tutorial, laboratory work (reports, defence)
Successfully completed tutorial and laboratory work (report, defence) as prerequisites for entering the examination.
- collaboration in lectures (20% of written examination)