Objectives and competences
1. Develop understanding of global market and national institutions on cross-border operations of SMEs.
2. Develop analytic capacity for identifying market opportunities in foreign markets.
3. Develop understanding of role of international marketing and firm social responsibility in business strategy development of SMEs.
4. Develop understanding of internationalisation for international competitiveness of SMEs.
5. Develop ability to design strategies and programmes for SMEs international market expansion.
6. Develop ability for planning and implementing SMEs marketing activities in diverse countries’ business environments.
Content (Syllabus outline)
- Globalisation of markets and SMEs entry into international markets;
- SMEs international competitiveness leverages;
- Internationalisation process of SMEs;
- Mechanisms and institutions for supporting the internationalization of SMEs;
- Searching for marketing opportunities in foreign markets;
- Developing foreign market entry strategies;
- The process of international marketing management
- Strategies of SME’s cross-border cooperation;
- International marketing in a foreign cultural and institutional context;
- International marketing strategies in international B2C and B2C markets;
- Globalization and virtualization of marketing.
Learning and teaching methods
• lectures and tutorials,
• individual and team work.
Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding
Development of knowledge and understanding:
1. Acquire basic understanding of international marketing management in SMEs.
2. Develop ability to analyse international market opportunities for SMEs.
3. Develop analytical ability for designing marketing strategies and programmes for SMEs.
4. Learn how to use analytical tools for supporting decisions in international marketing (market research, market segmentation analysis, marketing planning and strategy design, export price calculations, sales negotiations etc.).
5. Understand contextual (cultural, societal) dimensions of companies’ business operation.
Cognitive/Intellectual skills:
1. Understanding of basic international marketing concepts and complexities of market context.
2. Understanding of company’s necessity to adapt to the demands of foreign markets and institutional context.
3. Analytic ability to evaluate different business situations of a firm in foreign markets.
4. Ability for independent business acting and solving problems in international marketing settings.
Intended learning outcomes - transferable/key skills and other attributes
Key/Transferable skills
1. Develop ability for appropriate business acting in cross-cultural context.
2. Develop analytical skills for foreign market assessment.
3. Develop basic ability to develop marketing strategies and programmes and business acting in heterogeneous business, cultural and institutional environment.
Practical skills:
1. Understand the impact of business environment on international marketing.
2. Capable to analyse various situations in international marketing.
3. Mastering the access to the market information for SMEs.
4. Ability to professionally evaluate/act in different market situations.
Obvezna študijska literatura (Compulsory textbooks):
- Korez Vide, Romana. 2022. Management mednarodnega trženja, Mednarodno trženje (skripta). Maribor: Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta.
- Korez Vide, Romana. 2022. Management mednarodnega trženja, Mednarodno trženje (zapiski predavanj). Maribor: Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta.
Dodatna študijska literatura (Additional textbooks):
- Jurše, Milan in Korez Vide, Romana. 2013. Management mednarodnega trženja, Mednarodno trženje (priročnik za vaje). Maribor: Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta.
- Hollensen, Svend. 2020. Global Marketing. 8th Ed. Harlow, UK: Pearson Education (izbrana poglavja)
Additional information on implementation and assessment • Written exam
• 4 written reports on case studies in lectures and tutorials
To obtain a grade in the course, it is compulsory to take all forms of assessment. In order to obtain a passing grade in the course, it is requisite to pass both parts of the exam (International Business and Tourism).