Objectives and competences
1. Get the knowledge on significance of
technology and technological
development for competitiveness and
business success of the firm.
2. Acquaint the basic knowledges on the
role and goals of technology
management and skills necessary for its
integration into firm's strategic
development decisions.
3. Learn the methods for determining and
foresighting of technology development
as one of the basic aspects of strategic
planning, both on micro- and macro
4. Gain the knowledge on the meaning and
the role of environment protection as
distinctive inter- and multidiscipline field
of interest and the possibilities of its
integration into business decisions.
5. Acquaint the interrelations and
dependencies of technology
management, environmental
management and energy management.
Content (Syllabus outline)
1. Technology (definitions, classification)
2. Technology systems (characteristics and
classification, technology system as a
part of business-production system,
structure of technology systems)
3. Diffusion of technologies
4. Technology transfer
5. Indexes and phases of technological development
6. Important technological fields/sectors
7. Technology management
8. Technology adoptiona and development
9. Fundamentals of natural environment protection
10. Environmental pollution mechanisms
11. Firm's impacts on the natural environment
12. Environmental prevention strategies
13. Environmental management systems (ISO 14001, EMAS)
14. Carbon footprint and water footprint
15. Sustainability reporting
16. Efficient use of energy and energy management
17. Circular economy and waste manegement
Learning and teaching methods
case studies
tutorial and laboratory work (active group work of students)
Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding
Development of knowledge and understanding:
1. Explain interrelations and
connections between technology,
environment protection and economy.
2. Explain the significance of
environment protection integration into
firm's strategic planning.
3. Acquire the skills to identify the
interactions between business
environment and natural environment.
4. Gain the knowledge to take part in
organising environmental policy in
Cognitive/Intellectual skills:
1. Can collect and arrange data as well as
get the ability to search for and
synthesize new information from the field
of interest.
2. Can identify problem from inter- and
multidiscipline view points.
3. Develop greater independence
of thought and the ability to solve
Intended learning outcomes - transferable/key skills and other attributes
Key/Transferable skills
1. Are able to analyse problems and find
solutions in a inter- and multidiscipline way.
2. Judge better and consequently, more
efficient integrate teh knowledge acquired
into business decisions.
3. Get better communication skills in an
effective manner.
4. Develop skills for team work.
5. Develop professional ethics.
Practical skills:
1. Can identify key areas and choose
appropriate tools and methods for their
resolution in a considered manner.
2. Can operate in situation of
varying complexity and predictability
requiring application of a wide range of
3. Are able of integration of basic
environmental aspects into business
• Radonjič, Gregor. 2020. Tehnološki menedžment in varstvo okolja. Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta, Maribor.
• Gaynor, Gerard H. (1996). Handbook of Technology Mangement. McGraw-Hill, New York.
• Wolfrum, Bernd (1991). Strategisches Technologiemanagement. Gabler, Wiesbaden.
• Kirkwood, R.C. and A.J. Longley (1995). Clean Technology and Environment. Blackie Academic Press, Glasgow.
• Nilsson Lennart, Persson Per Olof, Ryden Lars, Darozhka Siarhei, Zaliauskiene Audrone (2007). Cleaner Production – Technologies and Tools for Resource Efficient Production. Book 2 in a series on Environmental Management. Baltic University Press, Uppsala.
Additional information on implementation and assessment 70% - written examination
30% - completed tutorial, laboratory work (reports, defence)
Successfully completed tutorial and laboratory work (report, defence) as prerequisites for entering the examination.
- collaboration in lectures (20% of written examination)