Objectives and competences
1. Acquaint the interrelations and dependencies between technological development and economy growth based on the interrelations and connections between technology and economy from the historical point of view as well as with the regards of description of modern trends with the emphasis on high technologies.
2. Acquaint the students with the role and influence of technology and technological development with the aim of establishing conditions of long-term changes in economical and social structure.
3. Learn the methods for determination and foresighting of technology development as one of the basic aspects of strategic planning, both on micro- and macro level.
4. Learn about the most influential technology fields.
5. Get the knowledge on sustainable development principles.
Content (Syllabus outline)
1. Technology (definitions, classification)
2. Technological development (significance, characteristics, phases)
3. Determination of technological
development dynamics
4. Diffusion of technologies; technology transfer
5. The role and the influence of technologies (technological sectors) in economy and society: petrochemical industry, metallurgy; biotechnology, new materials and
nanotechnologies, information and telecommunication technologies, microelectronics, environmental technologies, new energy sources)
6. Industrial revolutions and their impact on economical and social development
7. Technology life-cycles
8. Significance of energy production and use on economy
9. Fundamentals of environmental protection
10. Concept of sustainable development
11. Low-carbon economy and society
12. Circular economy
Learning and teaching methods
case studies
tutorial and laboratory work (active group work of students)
Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding
Development of knowledge and understanding:
1. Recognize technological development as an important and influential strategical factor.
2. Learn to link the interconnections between technology, economy, and society.
3. Recognize the modern technology trends and their influence on economic development.
4. Can demonstrate awareness of wider social and environmental ethical issues in areas of sustainable development.
Cognitive/Intellectual skills:
1. Can collect and arrange data as well as get the ability to search for and synthesize new information from the field of interest.
2. Can identify problem from inter- and multidiscipline view points.
3. Can identify key aspects of problem from different view points.
Intended learning outcomes - transferable/key skills and other attributes
Key/Transferable skills
1. Are able to analyse problems and find
solutions in a inter- and multidiscipline
2. Judge better and, consequently, more
efficientlly integrate teh knowledge
acquired into business decisions.
4. Develop skills for team work.
5. Develop professional ethics.
Practical skills:
1. Identify key areas and choose
appropriate tools and methods for
resolution of multidiscipline problems.
2. Operate in situation of varying complexity
and predictability requiring application of
a wide range of techniques.
3. Are able to integrate basic aspects of
sustainable development into business
• Radonjič, Gregor. 2020. Vloga tehnologij v svetovnem razvoju. Gradivo za izpit. Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta, Maribor.
• Hagedoom, John (1995). Technical Change and the World Economy. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.
• Von Tunzelmann, G.N. (1995). Technology and Industrial Progess. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.
• Archibugi, Daniele and Jonathan Michie (1997). Technology, globalisation and economic performance. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Additional information on implementation and assessment 70% - written examination
30% - completed tutorial, laboratory work (reports, defence)
Successfully completed tutorial and laboratory work (report, defence) as prerequisites for entering the examination.
- collaboration in lectures (20% of written examination)