Objectives and competences
In this course students:
• Become acquainted with the reasons for the necessity of international business in the period of contemporary globalization
• Acquire basic knowledge of dimensions of international business in comparison to domestic business
• Acquire an insight into the characteristics of global marketplaces
• Students get acquainted with key thematic tourism is coping with on both the global and the local levels;
• Students recognise the indispensability of sustainable and socially responsible tourism practices and acquire knowledge how to implement both in practice.
Content (Syllabus outline)
1. International business as a necessity in the period of contemporary globalization
2. Basic forms of international business activities
3. Political, legal and technological environment of international business
4. Diversity of national cultures and international business
5. Economic and political characteristics of global marketplaces (Western and Eastern Europe, North, Central and South America, Asia, Africa and the Middle East)
1. Role of tourism in the global and in the Slovene economies
2. Regional dimensions of tourism development
3. Ethics and social responsibility in tourism
4. Sustainable tourism development
Learning and teaching methods
• Lectures and tutorials,
• Active work of students in lectures and tutorials ,
Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding
Knowledge and understanding:
• Understand the necessity of international business in the period of contemporary globalization
• Can explain the differences among basic forms of international business activities
• Can describe basic dimensions of international business environment and explain their impact on international business operation
• Understand the importance of international managers' »cultural literacy«
• Can describe basic characteristics, opportunities and risks of global marketplaces
• Students understand the extent and the role of tourism in the global- and national economy.
• Students are aware of the interdependency between implementing sustainable and socially responsible principles into destination and enterprise operations and their long-term market success/survival.
Cognitive/intellectual skills:
• Can collect the data and make an elementary analysis of the international business environment
• Can identify the problem in international business from different aspects and search for solutions
• Students are capable of interpreting and using data published on the UNWTO webpage.
• Students get the ability of sensibly transfer global problem solutions in the field of tourism into the local environment.
Intended learning outcomes - transferable/key skills and other attributes
Key/transferable skills:
• Develop the interest dynamic work of an international manager
• Develop abilities for work in multicultural teams
• Develop abilities for acquiring information and data from data sources and literature in foreign languages
• Students set up a positive attitude towards responsible tourism development and towards an active co-creation of active sustainable development measures.
• They for a positive attitude towards an employment in the field of tourism.
Practical skills:
• Develop communication skills at gathering the primary data on foreign markets
• Students develop the ability of searching and using global and European intelligence databases in the field of tourism.
Obvezna študijska literatura/Compulsory Textbooks:
Mednarodno poslovanje/International Business:
? Griffin, W. Ricky, and Pustay, W. Michael. 2020. International Business: A Managerial Perspective. Harlow, UK: Pearson Education (selected chapters).
- Lebe, S. S. 2024. BIBAT - Tourism – Tourism part of the course Basics in International Business and Tourism. Maribor: Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta.
Dodatna študijska literatura/Additional Textbooks:
Mednarodno poslovanje/International Business:
- Nabor relevantnih študijskih primerov (A range of relevant case studies).
- EU Eco Label Manual for Tourist Accommodations (European Commission)
- Sustainable Hotel Solutions Manual (UNWTO)
- Global Code of Ethics for Tourism (UNWTO)
- Strategija slovenskega turizma 2022–2028, Ministrstvo za gospodarski razvoj in tehnologijo 2022
Additional information on implementation and assessment International Business:
• Oral exam 35%
• 1 written assignment in tutorials 15%
• oral exam 36%
• active work at lectures and tutorials 3%
• written paper 10%
• peer review 1%
To obtain a grade in the course, it is compulsory to take all forms of assessment. To obtain a passing grade in the course, it is requisite to pass both parts of the exam (International Business and Tourism).