Objectives and competences
In this course students:
1. Enhance their theoretical knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship and are able to apply it.
2. Gain the ability to apply their theoretical knowledge in practice in the entrepreneurship field.
3. Acquire applicable approach to evaluation of business opportunities and analysis of specific functional areas within companies
4. Acquire advanced knowledge of basic theoretical approaches in the field of business economics, marketing, finance, accounting and organisation.
Content (Syllabus outline)
1. Definition of the concept of entrepreneurship, its development, types of entrepreneurship and its role in society
2. Definition of the entrepreneur, his characteristics and motivation
3. Development of business from the idea as an entrepreneurial process, identifying business opportunities and their resources
4. Identifying, evaluating and exploiting business opportunities
5. Business model development, lean approaches and business planning
6. Entrepreneurial team development and the role of networking
7. Creating business strategies
8. Facing entrepreneurial risks
9. Closing a business
10. Entrepreneurship ecosystem
11. Global entrepreneurship activity
Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding
1. Acquire specific knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship
2. Gain detailed knowledge of identification of business opportunities, business planning and introduction to theories that explain entrepreneurial processes.
3. Learn to recognise interconnections of new ventures and socio-economic conditions in society.
4. Develop the skills to interpret market signals that capable of being transformed into new ventures.
5. Learn how to analyse and synthesise different approaches to establishing new ventures
6. Are able to pursue further analysis regarding entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial processes.
7. Gain broader understanding of different types of entrepreneurship and available resources for new ventures.
8. Can demonstrate awareness of wider social and environmental ethical issues in areas of entrepreneurship.
Intended learning outcomes - transferable/key skills and other attributes
Cognitive/Intellectual skills
1. Understand and apply critical analysis and their usability in solving real professional problems, with minimum guidance.
2. Get the ability to search for and synthesize new information from the field of entrepreneurship in literature and practice.
3. Synthesize different knowledge and procedures and are aware of importance of use of professional literature.
4. Can select appropriate techniques for problem solving and are able to evaluate the importance and significance of data.
5. Can identify key aspects of problem from different viewpoints.
Key/Transferable skills
1. Further develop skills and expertise in the use of knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship.
2. Upgrade the ability to become an autonomous learner.
3. Upgrade the ability to apply information technology.
4. Upgrade the ability to work in pairs and groups.
5. Further develop their communication skills in an effective manner to effectively and professionally communicate.
Practical skills:
1. Get practical experience in the field of assessing business opportunities and business planning.
2. Are able to act autonomously with defined guidelines and certain level of supervision.
Obvezna študijska literature (Compulsory textbooks):
1. Hisrich, R. D., Peters, M. P., & Shepherd, D. A. (2021). Entrepreneurship (11th ed.). McGraw-Hill. (selected topics)
2. Botha, T. (2018). Entrepreneurship and how to establish your own business, 6th edition. Juta. (selected chapters). (available in Moodle in PDF)
3. Blank, S. (2013). Why the Lean Startup Changes Everything, Harvard Business Review, May 2013. Dostopno na: https://hbr.org/2013/05/why-the-lean-start-up-changes-everything
4. Osterwalder, A., Pigneur, Y. Business model generation. Dostopno na/available at: http://www.businessmodelgeneration.com/downloads/businessmodelgeneration_preview.pdf str. 14 – 44.
5. Osterwalder, A., Pigneur, Y., Bernarda, G., Smith, A., Value Proposition Design. Dostopno na/available at: https://assets.strategyzer.com/assets/resources/value-proposition-design-book-preview-2014.pdf. Str. 15-38.
Dodatna študijska literatura (Additonal textbooks):
1. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, editions of last 3 years, available at: www.ipmmp.um.si
2. Tominc, P., Rebernik, M., Bradač Hojnik, B., & Širec, K. (2019). Danube region entrepreneurship observatory: entrepreneurship ecosystem, women and youth entrepreneurship. Pearson.
3. Izbrani članki in poslovni primeri / Selected articles and business cases
4. Carrizo Moreira, A., Leitao Dantas, J. G., & Valente, F. M. (Eds.). (2018). Nascent entrepreneurship and successful new venture creation. IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-2936-1.
5. HBR’s 10 must reads on entrepreneurship and startups. (2018). Harvard Business Review Press.
6. Izbrani članki in poslovni primeri/Selected articles and business cases