Objectives and competences
In this course students:
1. Enhance and systematically enhance their theoretical knowledge in the field of enterprise culture and business ethics and are able to apply it.
2. Gain the ability to apply their theoretical knowledge in complex practical problems in the field of enterprise culture and business ethics.
3. Acquire managerial approach to analysis of the role of enterprises’ values, culture, ethics, and interests on enterprise governance (and management) and are able to critically evaluate it.
4. Acquire advanced knowledge of basic theoretical approaches and make critical judgements based, analysis and synthesis on a sound theoretical base.
Content (Syllabus outline)
1. Definition of philosophy, culture and ethics of an enterprise
2. Interests of enterprise's stakeholders (internal and external)
3. Business negotiations as a basis for interests adjustment ( to solve conflicts)
4. Co-dependencies between stakeholders' interests and philosophy, culture and ethics of an enterprise
5. Enterprise culture
6. Enterprise climate
7. Enterprise ethics
8. Credibility as a starting point for ethical behavior
9. Implementing credibility strategy
Case studies
Learning and teaching methods
- lectures
- AV presentations
- guest experts from praxis
- methods: case study, teamwork, brainstorming, meta plan, gamification, systems thinking
- active individual and/or group (laboratorial) work
Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding
Development of knowledge and understanding
1. Acquire comprehensive knowledge in the area of enterprise culture, business ethics, and social responsibility.
2. Have a detailed knowledge of theories in the area of enterprise’s culture and business ethics content and process.
3. Are able to explain interconnections in the field of enterprise policy, enterprise culture and business ethics.
4. Develop skills to review the gained results in the field of business ethics dilemmas and different enterprise cultures viewpoints.
5. Learn how to analyse and synthesise different approaches in the field of enterprise culture and business ethics with changing conditions.
6. Are able to upgrade and design further analysis regarding soft enterprise policy determinants – enterprise values, culture, ethics, and interests.
7. Can demonstrate awareness of wider social and environmental ethical issues and are aware of personal and professional responsibility in the field of enterprise culture and business ethics.
8. Are able to demonstrate a critical ethical and social responsible dimension in their work.
Cognitive/Intellectual skills
1. Understand and apply critical analysis and theory development on (enterprise) culture and (enterprise) ethics and their usability in solving real and abstract professional problems with minimum (or without) guidance.
2. Get the ability to search for and synthesize new information from the field of enterprise culture, social responsibility and business ethics in literature and praxis and to place them in appropriate professional frame.
3. Can select appropriate techniques for complex enterprise culture and ethics problem solving and are able to evaluate the reliability, validity and significance of results gained.
4. Can identify key aspects of enterprise culture, social responsibility, and ethics problem from different view points and are able to find solutions.
5. Can critically investigate contradictory information and reasons for this.
Intended learning outcomes - transferable/key skills and other attributes
Key/Transferable skills
1. Further develop skills and expertise in the use of knowledge in a specific working area.
2. Upgrade the ability to become an autonomous learner.
3. Upgrade the ability to apply information technology.
4. Upgrade the ability for team-work (and team leadership).
5. Further develop their communication skills in an effective manner to effectively solve conflicts.
6. Develop skills for key aspects of problem identification from different view points and are able to find solutions.
7. Are efficient in self-evaluation.
8. Can select and manage information with (minimal) guidelines.
Practical skills
1. Get practical experience in the field of enterprise culture, business ethics, and social responsibility.
2. Is able to act autonomously with (minimal) guidelines and (certain level of) supervision.
Obvezna študijska literatura (Compulsory textbooks):
1. Štrukelj, T. (2014). Kultura podjetja. Zapiski predavanj. Maribor: Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta.
2. Štrukelj, T. (2014). Etika podjetja. Zapiski predavanj. Maribor: Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta.
3. Štrukelj, T. (2019). Praktični izzivi za kritično razmišljanje o kulturi, etiki in družbeni odgovornosti podjetja (Priročnik za študente BV programa). Maribor: Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta.
Dodatna študijska literatura (Additonal textbooks):
1. Primeri in naloge, posredovani na predavanjih in vajah (Cases and exercises, closely examine at pedagogical process).
Dopolnilna študijska literatura (Supplementary textbooks):
1. Mulej, M., Merhar, V., Žakelj, V. (2016). Uvodne misli knjige 1: Prihodnost – preživetje brez eko-socializma in družbene odgovornosti? V Mulej, M., Merhar, V., Žakelj, V. (ur.), Družbeno-ekonomski okvir in osebne lastnosti družbeno odgovornih (v tisku). Knjižna zbirka Nehajte sovražiti svoje otroke in vnuke, prvi zvezek. Maribor: IRDO Inštitut za razvoj družbene odgovornosti Maribor in Kulturni center Maribor.
2. Mulej, M., Ženko, Z., Hrast, A., Merhar, V. (2016). Prihodnost ekonomije v obdobju izobilja in krize izobilja brez zdravih ambicij. V Mulej, M., Merhar, V., Žakelj, V. (ur.), Družbeno-ekonomski okvir in osebne lastnosti družbeno odgovornih (v tisku). Knjižna zbirka Nehajte sovražiti svoje otroke in vnuke, prvi zvezek. Maribor: IRDO Inštitut za razvoj družbene odgovornosti Maribor in Kulturni center Maribor.
3. Mulej, M., Merhar, V., Žakelj, V. (ur.) (2019). Uvod v politično ekonomijo družbeno odgovorne družbe. Knjižna zbirka Frontier. Maribor: Kulturni center Maribor.
Additional information on implementation and assessment Written examination, where theoretical knowledge and practical understanding of the study field is examined.
Student can compensate written examination by partial written examination (up to 60%), by examination of practical problems solving capability (up to 20%) and by active work in class (up to 20%).