Objectives and competences
In this course students:
1. Enhance key elements of international financial system, balance of payment, financial statistics and execution of international financial transactions.
2. Gain the ability to apply their theoretical knowledge in practice in the field of three key areas: international financial markets and transactions, risks in international transactions and hedging.
3. Acquire appropriate approach to analyse foreign trade financing.
Content (Syllabus outline)
International monetary system: determination of external value of money, the foreign exchange systems, alterations of external value of money, international monetary institutions, International financial statistics. Balance of payment: determination, structure, balance of payment adjustments.
Global financial markets: definitions, currency risk, spot and forward forex transactions, options, swaps.
Risk and return. Hedging risk. Financial securities. Financial derivatives.
Foreign trade financing: international payments and bank financing, specialized trade financing, bank guarantees.
Learning and teaching methods
Multimedia presentation
Case studies
Team work
Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding
Knowledge and Understanding:
1. Acquire specific knowledge in the field of international financial instruments.
2. Have a detailed knowledge of theories in the field of international financial system and financial risks.
3. Develop the skills to interpret the gained results in the field of international financial informations.
4. Are qualified to control and supervise financial risks and hedging instruments.
Intended learning outcomes - transferable/key skills and other attributes
Cognitive/Intellectual skills:
1. Develop ability for understanding complexities of international business finance.
2. Develop skills to analyse foreign financial markets.
3. Develop ability for analytical evaluation of decisions in international financing.
4. Will develop skills to independently implement more sophisticated tasks in international financial transactions.
Key/Transferable skills
1. Develop ability for understanding of appropriate financial acting in different financial context.
2. Develop analytical skills for foreign financial market assessment.
3. Develop basic ability to develop programmes in varied financial context.
Practical skills:
1. Can understand the impact of financial context variety on doing financial transactions.
2. Can analyse various situations in international business finance.
3. Will be able to professionally evaluate/act in different financial market situations.
Krugman, P., Obstfeld, M. (2016); International Finance: Theory and Policy, Pearson
Dodatna literatura:
Eiteman, D., Stonehill, A., Moffett, M. H. (2018). Multinational Business Finance, Pearson Education
Zbašnik, D. (2001): Mednarodne poslovne finance, EPF Maribor
Mrak, M. (2002): Mednarodne finance, GV Založba, Ljubljana
Revije s strokovnega področja, svetovni splet.