Objectives and competences
In this course students:
1. Systematically enhance their theoretical knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship and are able to apply it.
2. Gain the ability to apply their theoretical knowledge in complex practical problems in the field entrepreneurship field.
3. Acquire holistic approach to analysis of business planning process of new venture creation and are able to critically evaluate it.
4. Make critical judgements based on a sound theoretical base.
Content (Syllabus outline)
1. Entrepreneurship, creativity, innovation, Business model and Business plan
2. Enterprise, Business and industry
3. Market Analysis and Market Plan
4. Research and Design and Production Plan
5. Sourcing and Team Building
6. The Organizational Plan and Economics of the Business
7. Opportunities, Threats and Risks
8. The Financial Plan and start-up Financing Sources
9. Communicating business ideas
10. Starting a New Business
Learning and teaching methods
Lectures and discussions
Social Entrepreneurs as quest speakers
Case studies
Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding
1. Acquire comprehensive knowledge in the area of business planning and new venture creation
2. Have a detailed knowledge of theories in the area of business planning and new venture creation
3. Develop skills to review the gained results in business planning and new venture creation.
4. Learn how to analyse and synthesise different approaches in the field of business planning with changing conditions.
5. Are able to upgrade and design further analysis regarding business planning.
6. Are aware of personal and professional responsibility in the field of business planning and new venture creation and are able to demonstrate a critical ethical dimension in their work.
Intended learning outcomes - transferable/key skills and other attributes
Cognitive/Intellectual skills
1. Get the ability to search for and synthesize new information from the field of business planning and new venture creation in literature and praxis and to place them in appropriate professional frame.
Key/Transferable skills
1. Further develop skills and expertise in the use of knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship.
2. Upgrade the ability for team-work and team leadership.
3. Further develop their communication skills in an effective manner to effectively solve conflicts.
4. Can identify key aspects of problem from different viewpoints and are able to find solutions.
Practical skills:
1. Get practical experience in the field of business planning and new venture creation.
2. Is able to act autonomously with minimal guidelines and supervision.
Obvezna študijska literatura (Compulsory textbooks):
1. Rus, M. (2024). Podjetništvo: skripta pri predmetu Načrtovanje in ustanavljanje podjetja. EPF. (v pripravi).
2. Drnovšek, M., Stritar, R., Vahčič, A., (2005): Osnove podjetništva. Priročnik za vaje, EF, Ljubljana.
3. Rus M., (2024): Orodje za poslovno načrtovanje, IRP, www.poslovninacrt.org.
4. RUS, M., (2024): Praktični primer poslovnega načrta Prenosnik d.o.o.in Zdravi obrok d.o.o. in navodila za pripravo finančnega načrta s pomočjo orodja za poslovno načrtovanje. www.poslovninacrt.org.
5. Osterwalder, A., Pigneur, Y. Business model generation. Dostopno na/available at: http://www.businessmodelgeneration.com/downloads/businessmodelgeneration_preview.pdf str. 14 – 44.
6. Goljar, M., (2012): Poslovno modeliranje. Ustvarjalnik. Ljubljana.
Additional information on implementation and assessment • Written exam 40%
• Individual elevator pitch report 10%
• Team report about the business model with prospective customers 10%
• Team report about the Business plan; 30%
• Class participation and assignments out oft the Building 10%
A passing grade of the written exam is a prerequisite for taking into account the 30% of the achieved grade from class participation and assignments
A passing grade of the seminar works is a prerequisite for taking the written exam.