Objectives and competences

In this course students: 1. Are familiarised with elements of the concepts of environmental economics and environmental management, relevant for environmentally conscious business, and are aware of interdependence between them. 2. Are familiarised with and grasp the basic concepts of entrepreneurial environment protection. 3. Learn to write, think and express themselves accurately in the identification and analysis of problems in the fields of environmental economics and environmental management. 4. Acquire fundamental about the meaning of environment protection and sustainable development concepts, as well as integration of these aspects into enterprises management in the frame of modern international standards and trends in EU. 5. Are familiarised with the meaning and the role of environmental economics and environmental management as distinctive inter- and multidiscipline sphere of interest and its integration into business decisions of enterprises.

Content (Syllabus outline)

- Definition of basic concepts of sustainable development and sustainable business - Exploitation of resources in the economy - Ecosystems’ services and their evaluating - The problem of public goods - Approaches to solving environmental problems by means of economic principles - Approaches to implementation of sustainable concepts - Definitions of environmental management; principles of additive and integrated environment protection; - Characteristics of closed-loop economy; hierarchy of integral waste management in the EU; - Policy and characteristics of waste management in Slovenia; methods and possibilities for introduction of closed-loop economy in firms - Environmental management systems (the ISO 14000 standard series, EMAS) - - Development of environmentally sound products and services (environmental criteria, environmental designation) - Influences of enterprises and products on the environment in different environmental life-cycle stages; LCA method

Learning and teaching methods

- Lectures with discussion - Case studies - Field work (excursions to companies) - Active team work

Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding

Development of knowledge and understanding: Students: 1. Understand basic concepts of environmental economics and environmental management and acquire basic knowledge about the influences of companies or products to environment in their different life cycle stages. 2. Understand basic characteristics of a sustainable development of firms. 3. Learn to apply the most common methods in solving business problems in the field of environmental economics and management. 4. Recognize basic characteristics of environmental economics and environmental management, understand the connection between economic and environmental performance of a firm, and are able to combine them into a whole concept. 5. Can demonstrate awareness of ethical issues in the field of environmental economics and environmental management in opposite to classic economic behaviour of companies. 6. Are able to discuss ethical issues in relation to personal beliefs and values.

Intended learning outcomes - transferable/key skills and other attributes

Cognitive/Intellectual skills: Students: 1. Can analyse basic environmental and economic issues with guidance using given classification/principles. 2. Can collect and arrange data and ideas in a standard way. 3. Students develop greater independence of thought and the ability to solve problems. Key/Transferable skills: 1. Use ICT. 2. Develop skills for team work. 3. Develop professional ethics. 4. Develop learning techniques and strategies for individual study, permanent reflection and evaluation. Practical skills: 1. Ability of business decision-making where both economic and environmental consequences are taken into account. 2. Ability to use analytical concepts and tools at solving economic-environmental problems. 3. Ability of making environmental policy and integration of basic environmental aspects into business operations.


Obvezna študijska literature (Compulsory textbooks): 1. Bradač Hojnik, B. (2020). Okoljska ekonomika. Skripta pri predmetu Okoljska ekonomika in okoljski management, del Okoljska ekonomika (gradivo v spletni učilnici predmeta). 2. Denac M. (2020). Zbrano gradivo pri predmetu Okoljska ekonomika in okoljski management - Okoljski management. Dodatna študijska literatura (Additonal textbooks): 1. Članki, konferenčno gradivo, študije (opredeljeno na predavanjih in seminarskih vajah) 2. Rebernik, M., Močnik, D., Bradač Hojnik, B. (2015). Slovenska podjetja in okoljski vidiki poslovanja: slovenski podjetniški observatorij 2014. Maribor: Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta. (poglavje: Pregled okoljskega podjetništva in okoljskih inovacij v Sloveniji, str. 63-84). 3. Močnik, D., Crnogaj, K., Bradač Hojnik, B. (2017). Slovenska podjetja in družbena odgovornost: slovenski podjetniški observatorij 2016, (Slovenski podjetniški observatorij). Maribor: Univerzitetna založba Univerze v Mariboru. (poglavje: Družbena odgovornost podjetij v Sloveniji, str. 91-136). 4. Širec, K., Bradač Hojnik, B., Denac, M., Močnik, D. (2018). Slovenska podjetja in krožno gospodarstvo: slovenski podjetniški observatorij 2017, (Slovenski podjetniški observatorij). Maribor: Univerzitetna založba Univerze v Mariboru. (poglavje: Izzivi in priložnosti MSP na prehodu v krožno gospodarstvo, str. 71-110). 5. Kolk, A. (2000). Economics of Environmental Management. Prentice Hall, Harlow: Financial Times. (izbrana poglavja oz. deli poglavij) 6. Kolstad, C.D. (2003). Environmental economics. NY and Oxford: Oxford university press. 7. Field, B.C., Field, M.K. (2008). Environmental Economics. Boston: Irwin/McGraw-Hill. 8. Taylor, B. et al. (1994). The Environmental Management Handbook. London: Pitman Publishing. (izbrana poglavja oz. deli poglavij) 9. Marcus, P., Willing, J. (1997). Moving Ahead with ISO 14000. New York: John Wiley. 10. Pribakovič Borštnik,A., Zornik, M., Žagar, T. (2004). Odgovorno okoljsko delovanje. Sistemi ravnanja z okoljem. Ljubljana: Slovenski inštitut za kakovost in meroslovje. (izbrana poglavja oz. deli poglavij) 11. Wenzel, H., Hauschild, M., Alting, L. (1997). Environmental Assessment of Products. London: Chapman and Hall. (izbrana poglavja oz. deli poglavij) 12. Graedel, T.E., Allenby, B.R. (1995). Industrial Ecology. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. (izbrana poglavja oz. deli poglavij) 13. Klemmensen B. (2007). Environmental policy: Legal and economic instruments. Book 1 in a series on Environmental Management. Uppsala: Baltic University Press. 14. Nilson L. (2007). Cleaner production: Technologies and tools for resource efficient production. Book 2 in a series on Environmental Management. Uppsala: Baltic University Press. 15. Zbicinski I. (2006). Product design and life cycle assessment. Book 3 in a series on Environmental Management. Uppsala: Baltic University Press. 16. Weiss P., Bentlage J. (2006). Environmental management systems and certification. Book 4 in a series on Environmental Management. Uppsala: Baltic University Press. 17. Starkey R. (1998). Environmental Management Tools for SMEs: A Handbook. Copenhagen: European Environment Agency. 18. Sachs, J., Schmidt-Traub, G., Kroll, C., Lafortune, G., Fuller, G. (2018). SDG Index and Dashboards Report 2018. New York: Bertelsmann Stiftung and Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN). 19. EllenMacArthur Foundation. (2013). Towards the circular economy. EllenMacarthir Foundation. Dostopno na: 20. Schaper, M. (2010). Making ecopreneurs: Developing sustainable entrepreneurship. Farnham, England: Gower/Ashgate Pub.


- Definition of basic concepts of sustainable development - Exploitation of resources in the economy and the importance of evaluating ecosystems’ services - The role of natural resources in the economy and the problem of public goods - Solving of environmental problems by means of economic principles - Confrontation of economic principles with principles of sustainable development - Implementation of sustainable concepts - Definitions of environmental management; principles of additive and integrated environment protection; - Characteristics of closed-loop economy; hierarchy of integral waste management in the EU; - Policy and characteristics of waste management in Slovenia; methods and possibilities for introduction of closed-loop economy in firms - Environmental management systems (the ISO 14000 standard series, EMAS) - - Development of environmentally sound products and services (environmental criteria, environmental designation) - Influences of enterprises and products on the environment in different environmental life-cycle stages; LCA method

  • red. prof. dr. BARBARA BRADAČ HOJNIK, univ. dipl. ekon.
  • izr. prof. dr. MATJAŽ DENAC, univ. dipl. inž. kem. tehnol.

  • Written examination: 70
  • Completed tutorial: 30

  • : 30
  • : 30
  • : 90

  • Slovenian
  • Slovenian