Objectives and competences
In this course students:
1. Get the basic grasp of economics of the firm.
2. Are familiarised with the applicability of entrepreneurship theory, production theory, and costs theory.
3. Are familiarised with and grasp the basic concepts of rareness, selection, costs, benefits, decision-making, profit, risk …
4. Are familiarised with elements for successful solving of economic problems and decision-making in the key business fields and are aware of interdependence between them
5. Acquire fundamental knowledge of basic economic categories, concepts, principles, and rules, related to the functioning of the firm.
6. Are familiarised with the importance of qualitative and quantitative judgements.
7. Gain the ability to exploit analytical tools in problem-solving and decision-making.
Content (Syllabus outline)
- With what issues is business economics concerned
- The nature of a firm as economic and social system
- Entrepreneur and entrepreneurship
- Basic theoretical concepts as foundation of business economics: scarcity and choice, alternative costs, theory of costs
- Industry and competitors’ analysis
- Cost management and depreciation
- Costing and pricing
- Risk and economics of investments
- Assessing enterprise effectiveness
Learning and teaching methods
• lectures,
• AV presentation,
• tutorials,
• case studies,
• active team work.
Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding
Development of knowledge and understanding:
1. Understand basic concepts of considering basic economic categories, concepts, principles, and rules, related to the functioning of the firm.
2. Learn to use (apply) depreciation methods, costing and pricing methods, judgments of business performance and investments appraisal in solving business problems.
3. Can demonstrate awareness of ethical issues in the field of decision-making in the key business fields.
4. Are able to discuss ethical issues in relation to personal beliefs and values.
Intended learning outcomes - transferable/key skills and other attributes
Cognitive/Intellectual skills:
1. Can analyse with guidance using given classification/principles.
2. Can collect and arrange data and ideas in a standard way.
3. Can evaluate the reliability of data using defined techniques and under guidance.
4. Students develop greater independence of thought and the ability to solve problems.
Key/Transferable skills
5. Use ICT.
6. Develop skills for team work.
7. Develop professional ethics.
8. Develop learning techniques and strategies for individual study, permanent reflection and evaluation.
9. Develop interest for lifelong learning.
Practical skills:
Are able to act relatively autonomous and under supervision solve basic problems in the field of business economics.
Obvezna študijska literature (Compulsory textbooks):
Rebernik, M., Širec, K. (2022). Ekonomika podjetja. 5., spremenjena in dopolnjena izd. (drugi ponatis) Ljubljana: IUS Software, GV založba, 496 str., ilustr. ISBN 978-961-247-342-6. [COBISS.SI-ID 287270144]
(izbrana poglavja)
Dopolnilna literatura (Additonal textbooks):
Dodatno spletno gradivo (additional on-line material)
Članki (papers)
Additional information on implementation and assessment - coursework 20%
- written exam 80%
Written exam or written assessment with midterm tests. The written assessment includes two midterm tests. Students shall pass the written examination if they achieve a total of 56% of the maximum possible marks in both intermediate tests.
A pass mark in the written examination is a prerequisite for a 20% pass mark for coursework.