Objectives and competences
In this course students:
1. Strengthen and further develop theoretical and practical knowledge in a field of marketing activities.
2. Learn and use of analytic and diagnostic tools in tactical marketing.
3. Gain the knowledge on, and application of tactical marketing.
Content (Syllabus outline)
• Startegical and tactical operative marketing
• Analysis and diagnosis for tactical marketing
• Tactical marketing planning for
o Product
o Marketing communications
o Purchasing and distribution channels
o Price
• Use of digital technologies in the implementation of tactical marketing activities
o Product
o Marketing communications
o Purchasing and distribution channels
• Marketing campaign development and implementation
• Control and marketing efficiency
• Ethical aspects of the implementation of tactical and operational marketing activities
Learning and teaching methods
- ex-catedra lecturing,
- interactive lecturing,
- case studies,
- seminar projects,
- field work,
- team work.
Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding
Development of knowledge and understanding:
Students can:
1. Differentiate between the activities of marketing mix.
2. Describe marketing mix activities.
3. Practice the situational analysis for tactical marketing.
4. Solve simple problems related to single marketing activity.
Intended learning outcomes - transferable/key skills and other attributes
Cognitive/Intellectual skills:Students:
1. Develop the abilities of practical solutions in a field of tactical and operational marketing.
2. Develop skills for marketing planning
Key/Transferable skills:
1. Develop teamwork skills.
2. Upgrade the ability to become an autonomous learner.
Practical skills:
1. Gain the ability on application of tactical concepts, processes and methods.
2. Gain the ability for developing marketing plans on a tactical level.
Obvezna študijska literatura
Snoj, B. In Gabrijan, V, (2015). Marketing . Konceptualne in celostne razsežnosti. Maribor: Založba Pivec
10 poglavje (str. 273-428)
Dodatna študijska literatura (Additional Textbooks)Iršič, M., Milfelner, B., Pisnik, A. (2016).Marketing : temeljni koncepti in njihova uporaba v praksi : [znanstvena monografija]. Harlow (England) [etc.]: Pearson Education
Besedila, ki jih nosilec v začetku semestra navede.
Texts prescribed by the lecturer
Fundamentals of marketing
Additional information on implementation and assessment • seminar paper 40%
• written exam or two midterm exams 60%
Written exam can be substituted with two midterm exams during the study semester. The students can attend the midterm exams if they fulfil 70% attendance criteria at the lectures.