Objectives and competences
? To upgrade and extend theoretical knowledge acquired in course ’Sociology’;
? To apply the acquired knowledge in solving current social problems;
? To help students acquire critical and reflective approach to solving everyday problems;
? To provide students with a better understanding of current events in a narrow and a broad social environment, which prepares them for the adequate action and reaction in personal and business environment;
? To enhance the students’ ability of self-reflection and, consequently, of a more conscious and reflective integration and active interference in business and broader social context by introducing modern social concepts and processes.
Content (Syllabus outline)
Content (Syllabus outline):
1. Postmodern society
2. Post-industrial society
3. Multicultural society
4. Individualized society
5. Gender and society
6. Shameless society
7. Risk society
8. Disciplined society
9. Functionally differentiated society
10. Market and consumer society
11. Adventure society
12. Stratification society
13. Global and world society
14. Civil society
15. Information and media society
Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding
Development of knowledge and understanding:
? The study of current social concepts and processes from a historical aspect as well as individual perspective enables students to critically assess present theoretical as well as applicable knowledge, serves them in critical comprehension and the solution of different economic problems, and represents a starting point for interdisciplinary analyses.
? The analysis of contemporary sociological concepts enables the students to assess current sociological processes independently and creatively.
Intended learning outcomes - transferable/key skills and other attributes
Cognitive/Intellectual skills:
? Students can identify a given social problem and its key aspects from different viewpoints.
? Students can search for and synthesize new information from the field of a discussed problem in literature and practice.
? Students can identify and critically evaluate professional literature related to the contents of this course.
? Students learn to synthesize different knowledge and procedures from previous levels of study with various problems that are subject of social sciences.
? Students select appropriate techniques for problem solving and are able to evaluate the importance and significance of the collected data.
? Students continuously upgrade their general knowledge and connect it with other acquired knowledge and aim to integrate it into a holistic perception of the world.
? Students develop greater independence of thought and consequently become knowledge seeking and problem-solving individuals.
Key/Transferable skills:
? Understanding, comparison and critical assessment of modern sociological concepts and processes;
? Creative and critical thinking;
? Independent work and problem solving skills;
? Team work;
? Responsibility and sense for managing and work;
Practical skills:
? Students can link everyday social processes and theory in a given problem field.
? Students can use the acquired theoretical background to interpret all current events related to key topics covered in this course.
Students can use the acquired knowledge in companies to solve various problems both in interpersonal interaction among the co-workers (multicultural society, gender and society, etc.) and at the level of business communication with other economic entities (market society, consumer society, globalization, etc.).
Obvezna študijska literatura (Compulsory textbooks):
• Rizman, Rudi (2008) Globalizacija in avtonomija. Prispevki za sociologijo globalizacije. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba FF UL (izbrana poglavja)
• Kneer, Georg, Nassehi, Armin in Marcus Schroer (Hrsg.) (2000) Soziologische Gesellschaftsbegriffe Konzepte moderner Zeitdiagnosen, 2. Auflage. , München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag München (izbrana poglavja)
• Aktualni znanstveni in strokovni članki in drugo gradivo posredovano na predavanjih in vajah
Dodatna študijska literatura (Additonal textbooks):
• Asa Briggs in Burke, Peter (2005) Socialna zgodovina medijev. Od Gutenberga do interneta. Ljubljana
• Bauman, Zygmunt (2002) Tekoča moderna. Ljubljana: Založba *cf (izbrana poglavja)
• Beck, Ulrich (1986) Risikogesellschaft. Auf dem Weg in eine andere Moderne. Frankfurt a.M: Suhrkamp
• Beck, Ulrich (2005) Power in the global age: A new global political economy. Cambridge: Polity Press
• Beck, Ulrich (2003) Kaj je globalizacija? Zmote globalizma – odgovori na globalizacijo. Ljubljana: Zbirka Krt
• Böhme, Hartmut (2006) Fetischismus und Kultur. Eine andere Theorie der Moderne. Hamburg: Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag
• Flere, Sergej in Kerševan, Marko (1995) Religija in (sodobna) družba. Uvod v sociologijo religije, (ALFA 1/95). Ljubljana: Znanstveno in publicistično središče
• Giddens, Anthony (2001) Sociology, 4th Edition. Cambridge: Polity Press
• Haralambos, Michael in Martin Holborn (1999) Sociologija. Teme in pogledi. Ljubljana: DZS
• Held, David, Anthony McGrew, David Goldblatt in Jonathan Perraton (1999) Global Transformations, Politics, Economics and Culture. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press
• Klanjšek, Rudi (2007) Pogledi na družbeno spremembo, (Zora, 52). Maribor: Slavistično društvo: Filozofska fakulteta
• Müller, Hans-Peter (1992) Sozialstruktur und Lebensstile. Suhrkamp: Frankfurt
• Nastran Ule, Mirjana (2000) Sodobne identitete v vrtincu diskurzov, Ljubljana: Znanstveno in publicistično središče
• Neckel, Sighard (1991) Status und Scham. Zur symbolischen Reproduktion sozialer Ungleichheit. Frankfurt a.M/New York: Campus Verlag
• Purr, Mathias (2005) Postindustrielle Gesellschaft und Disziplinargesellschaft. GRIN Verlag
• Schulze, Gerhard (1997) Die Erlebnisgesellschaft. Kultursoziologie der Gegenwart, 7. Aufl., Campus Verlag: Frankfurt a. M
• Svetličič, Marjan. (2004) Globalizacija in neenakomeren razvoj v svetu. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede
• Sztompka, Piotr (1994) The Sociology of Social Change. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers