Objectives and competences
In this course students:
1. Get the basic understanding of intrapreneurship
2. Are familiarised with elements of the concept of intrapreneurship and are aware of interdependence between them
3. Learn to write, think and express themselves accurately in the identification and analysis of intrapreneurial activities
4. Acquire fundamental knowledge of implementing intrapreneurial initiatives
5. Are familiarised with the importance of intrapreneurship for companies and other organisations
Content (Syllabus outline)
1. Definition of intrapreneurship
2. The manifestations of intrapreneurship
3. The importance of sustainable innovation and sustainable business opportunities in intrapreneurship
4. Overcoming the barriers to sustainable intrapreneurship
5. Approaches to introducing intrapreneurship
6. The importance and roles of intrapreneurs
7. Employees as actors of intrapreneurship
8. Integrating intrapreneurship into company strategies
9. The organisational structure of the company to support intrapreneurship
10. Creating a culture of sustainable intrapreneurship
11. Monitoring and evaluating intrapreneurship projects
12. Case studies on different aspects of intrapreneurship
Learning and teaching methods
? Fundamental concepts of intrapreneurship will be presented together with concrete examples of their practical application.
? Application of knowledge from lectures – analysis and group discussions about domestic and foreign companies supporting and practicing intrapreneurship.
? Lectures of guests from firms.
? Final result of team work will be an analysis of concrete intrapreneurship project in the form of seminar paper with presentation.
Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding
Development of knowledge and understanding:
1. Understand basic concepts of intrapreneurship concept
2. Learn to use (apply) different methods in solving business problems in the field of intrapreneurship.
3. Recognize basic characteristics of intrapreneurship and are able to distinct it from other types of entrepreneurship.
4. Can demonstrate awareness of ethical issues in the field of rights (intellectual property) that arise from the results of intrapreneurial activities.
Cognitive/Intellectual skills:
1. Can analyse with guidance using given classification/principles.
2. Can collect and arrange data and ideas in a standard way.
3. Students develop greater independence of thought and the ability to solve problems.
Intended learning outcomes - transferable/key skills and other attributes
Key/Transferable skills:
1. Use ICT.
2. Develop skills for team work.
3. Develop professional ethics.
4. Develop learning techniques and strategies for individual study, permanent reflection and evaluation.
Practical skills:
1. Based on defined guidelines and under supervision are able to autonomously solve problems from companies.
Obvezna študijska literatura (Compulsory textbooks):
Bradač Hojnik, B. (2019). Korporacijsko podjetništvo: skripta pri predmetu Korporacijsko podjetništvo. Maribor: Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta, 182 str.
Bradač Hojnik, B (2024/2025). Notranje podjetništvo. Prenovljena skripta v pripravi.
Bradač Hojnik, B. (2015). Notranji podjetniki v poslovni praksi = Intrapreneurs in business practice. V: Štrukelj, T. (ur.). Izbrani vidiki družbenih in gospodarskih transformacij: strokovna monografija, (Knjižna zbirka Sodobna ekonomija in poslovanje - SEP, ISSN 2232-4593, 5). Maribor: Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta, 52-64.
Dodatna študijska literatura (Additonal textbooks):
Lam, S. (2023). The Intrapreneurship Formula: How to Drive Corporate Entrepreneurship Through Employee Empowerment. Business Expert Press.
Kowalschek, R. (2023). Igniting Innovation: A Guide to Corporate Entrepreneurship: Unleashing Intrapreneurs, Transforming Organizations, and Mastering the Art of Change. Independently published.
Burns, P. (2020). Corporate Entrepreneurship and Innovation 4th Edition. Bloomsbury Academic.
Glinyanova, M., Bouncken, R. B., Tiberius, V., & Cuenca Ballester, A. C. (2021). Five decades of corporate entrepreneurship research: measuring and mapping the field. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 1-27.
Yang, T. K., & Yan, M. R. (2020). The corporate shared value for sustainable development: An ecosystem perspective. Sustainability, 12(6), 2348.
Pinchot, G. (1999). Intrapreneuring in action. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
Izbrane študije primerov (selected case studies)
Članki iz tujih revij (letno aktualizirani). (Prescribed articles from international journals (yearly updated))
Časopisi in revije (npr. Finance, Manager, Podjetnik). (Slovenian magazines and reviews)