Objectives and competences
In this course students:
1. acquire core English terminology for business and commerce;
2. are familiarised with key elements of business communication in English and its importance for successful business operations;
3. learn to communicate effectively in various business-related situations and purposes (i.e. telephoning, e-mail, informal talks, presentations, meetings, socializing and entertaining business clients);
4. acquire fundamental knowledge of key communication skills in English (reading, listening, speaking, writing) for business purposes;
5. gain the awareness of business culture and business operations in a wider international context.
Content (Syllabus outline)
Various economics- and business-related topics are studied in order to achieve English language confidence in different situations, e.g. basics of business correspondence, presentations for business purposes, negotiations, describing price charts, trends, socializing for business purposes, business processes, management styles, corporate culture and business environment.
Learning and teaching methods
lectures/language tutorials
AV presentations
task-based language learning
pair work and group work
case study analysis
Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding
A Development of knowledge and understanding:
1. can use core English terminology in the field of economics and business;
2. can apply different forms of business communication in English (e-mail, , letter, telephoning, presentations).
3. know the fundamental characteristics of formal / informal and written / oral business communication in English;
4. can discuss main ethical issues in the field of daily business operations (workplace stress, people management, conflicts, influencing, etc.) at the intermediate English knowledge level.
Cognitive/Intellectual skills
1. can carry out basic oral and written business communication in English by using given input information.
Intended learning outcomes - transferable/key skills and other attributes
Key/Transferable skills
1. have skills for team work;
2. develop professional ethics;
3. develop learning techniques and strategies for individual study, permanent reflection and evaluation;
Practical skills:
1. can apply relevant knowledge in the use of English within a number of business situations.
Obvezna študijska literatura (Compulsory textbooks):
Powell. M. (2014). In Company 3.0 Intermediate Level Student's Book. Macmillan Education.
Mascull, B. (2010b). Business Vocabulary in Use: Intermediate with Answers and CD-ROM (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press. – izbrana poglavja
Dodatna študijska literatura (Additonal materials):
Izročki na predavanjih (aktualni strokovni časopisni članki, drugo gradivo).
Duckworth, M. (2003). Oxford Business English. Business Grammar and Practice (UK ed.). Oxford University Press
Strokovni slovarji, ki so na voljo v fakultetni knjižnici oziroma čitalnici oziroma na spletu;
Študenti naj redno spremljajo aktualne gospodarske in politične novice v angleškem jeziku.
Knowledge of the English language equivalent to level B1.
Additional information on implementation and assessment Course assignments*; 30%
Written examination; 70%
*The student must complete all compulsory assignments set by the teacher when scheduled. The student who does not complete the above stated assignments will automatically fail the course.
The student can complete these assignments in the next academic year when they are scheduled.
The written examination may be replaced by 2 tests. If the student fails the first test (negative mark), they cannot sit for the second test. The student passes the written examination if they achieve 56% out of the maximum possible points in each of the two tests.