Objectives and competences

To know all kind of intelligent transportation services including traveler information systems. To understand the physical and technological background of traffic detectors, sensors and other ITS equipment.

Content (Syllabus outline)

. ITS – architectures, approaches, standards. Transportation telematics technologies for detection, classification (AVC), identification (AVI), location (AVL), navigation, electronic ticketing (ETS), e_payment, environmental monitoring and controlling. State of the art review of enabling technologies: Inductive loop detectors, piezoelectric sensors, magnetic sensors, weight in motion (WIM), video image processor, microwave radar, IR sensors, acoustic sensors, GPS/GSM tracing and navigation etc. Review of integrated systems - case studies: traveler information systems, route & parking guiding systems, ETC, »city toll«, »ticketing«, automatic incident detection; weather information systems itd.

Learning and teaching methods

- classical lectures - classical tutorial - seminar - field work

Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding

Knowledge and Understanding: To understand the capabilities and limits of different transportation telematics (ITS) services.

Intended learning outcomes - transferable/key skills and other attributes

Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: To understand the role and potential for the implementation of different transportation telematics solutions into transportation and traffic engineering practice.


Lep M.: Zbrano učno gradivo ROAD NETWORK OPERATIONS & INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS A GUIDE FOR PRACTITIONERS (dostopno/available: Traffic Detector Handbook, FHWA-HRT-06, US DoT, 2006 Oprema za merjenje prometa: - števci (pnevmatski, magnetni, indukcijski), kamera, laserski merilnik hitrosti - kamere za avtomatsko analiziranje prometa



  • doc. dr. MARJAN LEP, univ. dipl. inž. grad.

  • Written examination: 50
  • Report: 30
  • Oral examination: 20

  • : 25
  • : 20
  • : 45

  • Slovenian
  • Slovenian