Objectives and competences

The core objective of this course is that a student acquires fundamental knowledge on European Union and its constitutional and administrative law, with an emphasis on fundamental legal principles and institutes, and adequate competences, what is a precondition for a classical practical work in various fields of European Union law.

Content (Syllabus outline)

• Development of the European integration: from Paris to Lisbon and beyond. • Values and aims of the European Union. • Fundamental principles of the European Union constitutional law. • Competences of the European Union. • Legal system of the European Union. • Enforcement of the European Union Law. • Fundamental principles of the European Union administrative law. • Good Administration. • Selected topics: protection of human rights and freedoms, democracy of the European Union, citizenship of the European Union and its implications, administrative procedure, Europeanization of public law, European model of society and social market economy with an emphasis on market competition and its limits, challenges in the field of energy sector and protection of environment.

Learning and teaching methods

• Lectures. • Seminars. • Tutorials (40% of e-tutorials, Moodle). • Individual work. • Dealing with cases.

Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding

After a student passes the exam she/he is able: • to understand the European integration process and fundamental characteristics of the European Union, its values and aims, and system of competences and institutional structure, legal system of the European Union, its integral parts and their characteristics, and relationship between supranational and national legal rules; modes and mechanisms of enforcement of the European Union rules; administrative activities of the European Union with an emphasis on good administration and relating principles of administrative law; • to understand selected legal topics, in particular in relation to human rights and freedoms, democracy, citizenship, Europeanization of public law, European model of society and social market economy; • to evaluate individual sources which form European Union law.

Intended learning outcomes - transferable/key skills and other attributes

• With the gained knowledge and with the understanding of the topics of this course, a student will be capable to apply or to enforce European Union law in individual real-life cases.


• Ferčič A., Hojnik J., Tratnik M., Uvod v pravo Evropske unije, GV Založba, 2011 ali novejša izdaja, izbrana poglavja. • Ferčič A., Geneza reguliranih sektorjev, Poslovna založba Maribor, 2015, izbrana poglavja. • Rosas A., Armati L., EU constitutional law: an introduction, 3. izdaja, Hart Publishing, 2018, izbrana poglavja. • Craig P., EU administrative law, 3. izdaja, Oxford University Press, 2018, izbrana poglavja. • Craig P., De Búrca G., EU Law: Text, Cases, and Materials, 6. izdaja, Oxford University Press, 2015, izbrana poglavja. • Veljavna zakonodaja Evropske unije in gradivo, neposredno razdeljeno študentkam in študentom ali objavljeno v e-študijskem okolju (Moodle).



  • red. prof. dr. ALEŠ FERČIČ, univ. dipl. prav.

  • Written examination: 80
  • Coursework: 20

  • : 50
  • : 10
  • : 35
  • : 145

  • Slovenian, English
  • Slovenian, English