Objectives and competences

Aim of the subject is to acquire legal knowledge in the field of EU labour law.

Content (Syllabus outline)

Development, notion and purpose of european labour law Legal sources of European labour law The concept of employee in EU law Generally on migrants workers Equality law Working conditions (obligation to provide information on working conditions, working time, protection of young employees) Health and safety at work Protection of maternity and parenthood Atypical contracts of employment (part-time, fixed-term, temporary agency work) Employee rights on restructuring of enterpirses (transfer of undertakings, collective redundancies, employer's insolvency) Collective labour law

Learning and teaching methods

Lecture Seminar Tutorial

Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding

On completion of this course the student will be able • To demonstrate knowledge on legal institutes of labour law EU • To use statutory rules in particular typical cases

Intended learning outcomes - transferable/key skills and other attributes

• Expressing legal problems of labour law EU orally and in writing • Using the EU legislation in practice • Adequate interpretation of the CJEU case-law


Barnard C., EU Employment law, Fourth Edition, Oxford University Press, 2012 Japsers T., Pennings F., Peters S., European Labour Law, Intersentia, 2019 Lizbonska pogodba. Listina EU o temeljih pravicah in direktive/The Lisbon Treaty, Charter on fundamental rights and directives Sodna praksa Sodišča EU/case law of Court of Justice


Knowledge of general concepts in EU law, as well as labour law.

  • red. prof. dr. DARJA SENČUR PEČEK, univ. dipl. prav.

  • Written examination: 60
  • Oral examination: 40

  • : 50
  • : 10
  • : 35
  • : 145

  • Slovenian, English
  • Slovenian, English