Objectives and competences

The objective of this course is to acquire knowledge and comprehension of various methods of alternative dispute resolution with emphasis on arbitration, and to acquire knowledge of legal instruments in this field of law.

Content (Syllabus outline)

• Non-state dispute resolution • Legal framework for non-state dispute resolution • Mediation • Other methods of ADR • Advantages and disadvantages of ADR • Arbitration • Legal nature of arbitration • Sources of Arbitration law • Types of arbitration • Arbitration agreement • Arbitration proceedings • Rules of evidence • Applicable procedural and material law • Arbitration award • Setting aside of arbitration awards • Recognition and enforcement • Multi-party arbitration • Arbitration and intellectual property • Investment disputes • Arbitration in labor law • Arbitration and consumers • On-line dispute resolution

Learning and teaching methods

• Lectures, • tutorials • seminar, • individual work, • homework assignments.

Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding

Upon completion of this subject a student will be able to: • demonstrate basic understanding and knowledge of different methods of alternative dispute resolution and arbitration, • recognize basic advantages and disadvantages of choosing a specific type of dispute resolution, • to assist persons agreeing upon a specific method of alternative dispute resolution and arbitration, • give advice and be involved in different proceedings of alternative dispute resolution and arbitration.

Intended learning outcomes - transferable/key skills and other attributes

• capacity of written and oral argumentation on problems of arbitration law and alternative dispute resolution, • capacity of applying methods of conflict resolution in social interaction on basic level, • capacity of abstract contemplation about the sophisticated legal problems of non-state dispute resolution.


• L. Ude: Arbitražno pravo, GV Založba, Ljubljana 2004. • E. Gaillard, J. Savage: Fourchard, Gaillard, Goldman on International Commercial Arbitration, Kluwer Law International, The Hague 1999. • M. Rubino-Sammartano: International arbitration. Law and Practice,Kluwer Law international, The Hague 2001 (ali novejša). • A. E. Barsky: Conflict Resolution fort he Helping Professions, Brooks/Cole 2002. • L. Ude, N. Betetto, V. Rijavec, T. Frantar, T. Keresteš, S. Prelič, M. Đorđević, R. Vrenčur, M. Tratnik, H. Jenull, M. Jan, A. Galič: Gradivo za šolo civilnega procesnega prava. Nebra, Ljubljana 2002. • V. Rijavec, T. Keresteš, L. Ude, N. Betetto, M. Tratnik, R. Vrenčur, A. Bizjak, H. Jenull, N. Plavšak, B. Podgoršek, U. Kežmah: Gradivo za štiridnevno šolo civilnega procesnega prava, Nebra, Ljubljana 2001.Zakon o arbitraži, Zakon o mediaciji v civilnih in gospodarskih zadevah, Zakon o alternativnem reševanju sodnih sporov, Zakon o pravdnem postopku, Zakon o nepravdnem postopku, Zakon o mednarodnem zasebnem pravu in postopku, pravilniki Stalne arbitraže pri GZS, Arbitraže pri Zavarovalnici Triglav, ICC/MZT, Pravila UNCITRAL, Vzorčni zakon UNCITRAL o mednarodni trgovinski arbitraži ter druga veljavna zakonodaja in mednarodne pogodbe.


No prerequisits.

  • red. prof. dr. TOMAŽ KERESTEŠ, univ. dipl. prav.

  • Written examination: 100

  • : 50
  • : 10
  • : 35
  • : 145

  • Slovenian, English
  • Slovenian, English