Objectives and competences

Acquisition of knowledge in field of family and succession law.

Content (Syllabus outline)

• Basic Terminology of Family law. • Marriage: formalities, void marriages, legal consequences of marriage, ending ... • Cohabitation. • Civil Union. • Relations between parents and children: establishing parentage, presumption of paternity and maternity, acknowledgement of paternity and maternity, establishing of paternity and maternity, paternity and maternity of child, conceived with • Basic Terminology of Family law. • Marriage: formalities, void marriages, legal consequences of marriage, ending ... • Cohabitation. • Civil Union. • Relations between parents and children: establishing parentage, presumption of paternity and maternity, acknowledgement of paternity and maternity, establishing of paternity and maternity, paternity and maternity of child, conceived with biomedical assistance, chalenging of paternity and maternity • Adoption. • Rights and obligations of parents and children. • Foster Care. • Guardianship: for children, for adults, for special cases. • Family planning and biomedically assisted reproduction. • Basics of international family law • Terminology and basic principles of succession law. • Conditions for the opening of succession. • Definition of estate. • Speciality of enterprising property, participation in commercial companies • Exclusion of certain property from estate due to the descendant's contributions to increase the decedent's property during common living, exclusion of received social help. • Intestate succession: parentel-linear system with representation, order of succession, succession of single categories of heirs, ius representationis, accretion. • Compulsory portion, circle of compulsory heirs, calculation of compulsory portion, eliminating the deprivation of the compulsory heir, disinheritance, Incalculation of gifts and bequests into succession portion. • Testamentary Succession: The conditions for a valid will, different types of wills, content of a will, explanation, preserving, and reconstruction of a will. • Succession law contracts: succession contract, contract on the topi cof the will, denouncement of the future succession, the contracts with succession law elemnts in Obligation code. • The estate without heirs. • The system of acquisition: hereditary statements, hereditary transmission. • The curator of the estate. • Hereditary community. • Liability for deceden's debts. • The procedures. • Death certificate and security of the estate. • The role of notary in regulation of the succession. • Separatio bonorum. • Relation between probate and civil trial procedure. • Jurisdiction for probate procedure. • Direction to the lawsuit. • Decision of succession. • Civil trial as the correctional remedy. • Fundamental characteristics of succession of agricultural economies (farms).

Learning and teaching methods

• lectures, • seminars, • tutorials. Part of the tutorial is in a classroom while the rest is in the form of e-learning (e-tutorials may be given via video-conferencing or with the help of specially designed e-material in a virtual electronic learning environment), • individual work, • group work, • case study., • role play.

Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding

Knowledge and Understanding: - Knowledge and understanding of institutes of family and succession law, - Ability of solving legal problems in this field by using relevant legal sources.

Intended learning outcomes - transferable/key skills and other attributes

Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: - Ability of solving legal problems by using relevant legal sources.


• S. Kraljić (2019). Družinski zakonik s komentarjem (Maribor: PZ Založba). • S. Kraljić, U. Kežmah & M. Čujovič (2022). Zakon o nepravdnem postopku (ZNP-1) s komentarjem (Maribor: WD Založba). • S. Kraljić & A. Križnik (2021). Pravni izzivi skrbništva (Maribor: WD Založba). • S. Kraljić (2021). The right to know one’s origins in light of the legal regulations of adoption in Slovenia. Law, identity and values. 2021, vol. 1, no. 1, str. 99-113. • S. Kraljić & K. Drnovšek (2021). Zaštita najboljeg interesa djeteta kod posvojenja i utjecaj načela razmjernosti. V: HUSEINBEGOVIĆ, Alena (ur.). Aktuelna problematika porodičnopravne teorije i prakse : zbornik radova. Deveti međunarodni naučni skup Dani porodičnog prava, Mostar, 2021. Mostar, 2021. Str. 264-276. • K. Zupančič, V. Žnidaršič Skubic: Dedno pravo, Uradni list RS, Ljubljana 2007. • Družinski zakonik • Zakon o partnerski zvezi. • Zakon o izvajanju rejniške dejavnosti • Zakon o preprečevanju nasilja v družini • Zakon o zdravstvenih ukrepih pri uresničevanju pravice do svobodnega odločanja o rojstvih. • Zakon o zdravljenju neplodnosti in postopkih oploditve z biomedicinsko pomočjo • Zakon o dedovanju • Zakon o dedovanju kmetijskih gospodarstev • Zakon o nepravnem postopku



  • red. prof. dr. SUZANA KRALJIĆ

  • Written examination: 70
  • Lab works: 30

  • : 55
  • : 15
  • : 25
  • : 115

  • Slovenian
  • Slovenian

  • LAW - 2nd