Objectives and competences

To qualify the graduate students to applly the acquired knowledge about the international public law (with special intention on the position of individuals in international law), about the researching methods (searching and systematization of information sources), about writing scientific texts and about the verbal intervention of the professional knowledge - everything is conformed with the needs of three years programm "law" and is oriented to make students possible to use it at different working places, which they will occupy after the ending law study.

Content (Syllabus outline)

• Introduction: the notion of international law, legal nature function, historical development. načela • Sources: conventions, customary law general principles, ius cogens, other sources • Subjects of international law: states, international organisations, other subjects, the position of individuals, state immunity, Act of State Doctrine • Protectiomn of human rights: subsantive law and mechanisms at global and regional level (ECHR, EcourtHR) • International criminal responsibility of individuals: development ICC and other international criminal courts • Organs of states in international relations: Hads of States Prime Ministers, Ministers of Foreign Affairs, diplomats and consuls • International law of treaties- VCLT: formation of an international treaty, reservations, the enforcement of international treaty, changes, ending and nullity of atreaty. • International responsibility of States: internationally unlawful acts, retaliation, diplomatic protection, citizenship, protection of investors • International organizations: legalm personality, organs, powers, UN, WTO • Objects of the international law:-Sytate sovereignty, State territory, State succession (ways of aquisition of territory, air space, space, frontiers, international servitudes, international navigable rivers, maritime law (geneva convention, 1958; convention on the law of sea, 1982). • Peaceful dispute settlement: diplomatic means, international courts and arbitration, peace protection on the basis of the UN Charter. • International law and the use of force in international relations: international law and armed conflicts, neutraliy law.

Learning and teaching methods

• presenting the material on the way, which requires the mental engagement of student, • forcing of the active cooperation of the student at lectures (questions, meanings…), • tutorials. Part of the tutorial is in a classroom while the rest is in the form of e-learning (e-tutorials may be given via video-conferencing or with the help of specially designed e-material in a virtual electronic learning environment), • connection of theoretical knowledge with the practical cases, especially with questions and problems with which the Slovenia is facing, • organization of panel discussion with the active students participation, • forcing of the independent profound knowledge of the student (seminars, searching of information sources…).

Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding

Knowledge and Understanding: - to be familiar with the basic components of international public law, especially those, which are important at working places, which could be occupied by the graduate students of three years program "law"; - basic knowledge about the research work and about the writing of scientific texts (seminars); - ability of verbal presentation of professional knowledge (panel discussions)

Intended learning outcomes - transferable/key skills and other attributes

Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: - independent searching and dealing with the information sources, - systematization and analysis of acquired information, - written and verbal presentation of professional information.


• Weingerl, P. in Tratnik, M., Izbrana poglavja sodobnega mednarodnega prava, Uradni list, Ljubljana 2022 (v tisku) obvezno • D. Türk, Temelji mednarodnega prava, GV Založba, Ljubljana 2015, priporočeno. • P. Weingerl, P. (ur.) Zbirka aktov pri predmetu Mednarodno javno pravo 2019/2020.



  • red. prof. dr. MATJAŽ TRATNIK, univ. dipl. prav.

  • Written examination: 80
  • Lab works: 20

  • : 50
  • : 10
  • : 25
  • : 125

  • Slovenian
  • Slovenian

  • LAW - 3rd