Objectives and competences

Qualified students to manage the most complex business operations of companies through interdisciplinary teaching and solving case studies with an emphasis on the role and importance of responsible behavior of members of management and supervisory bodies in the company.

Content (Syllabus outline)

The concept and importance of companies and various interests in the management and governance of companies with emphasis on the rights and duties of members of management and supervisory bodies and the consequent responsibilities. Basics of compensation and criminal liability of members of bodies with an emphasis on the corporate institute "Business Judgment Rule" and with a review of the latest case law and a comparative aspect of liability of members of bodies in EU countries.

Learning and teaching methods

Common lectures and consultations Case studies-seminar Team work with active participation

Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding

Knowledge base: has great depth knowledge and know how to systematic use in operation of companies in a way that they will be able to connect the three most important aspects: financial, legal and accounting. Ethical issues: can analyse and manage the implications of ethical dilemmas of operation of the companies and work pro-actively with others to formulate solutions. Disciplinary methodologies: has an understanding and can use the methodologies applicable to the discipline of companies and governance.

Intended learning outcomes - transferable/key skills and other attributes

Qualified students for understanding and use of obtained knowlege for successful and autonomous participation in the operations of the company and its bodies and taking adequate responsibility..


• JOVANOVIČ, Dušan, BRATINA, Borut, GRAH-LAZAR, Petra. Gospodarsko statusno in prevzemno pravo. 1. izd. Maribor: Založba WD: Poslovna založba, 2020. 645 str. ISBN 978-961-94599-1-1. [COBISS.SI-ID 98069761] kategorija: 2A (Z, A', A1/2); tip dela še ni verificiran točke: 53.33, št. avtorjev: 3 • BRATINA, Borut, JOVANOVIČ, Dušan (avtor, urednik), PODGORELEC, Peter, PRIMEC, Andreja. Osnove gospodarskega pogodbenega in statusnega prava. 3., prenovljena in dopolnjena izd. Maribor: Založba WD, 2018. XXVIII, 639 str. ISBN 978-961-94599-0-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 95796993] • KOCBEK, Marijan (avtor, urednik), IVANJKO, Šime, BRATINA, Borut, PODGORELEC, Peter. Nadzorni sveti in upravni odbori v delniških družbah in družbah z omejeno odgovornostjo. 1. natis. Ljubljana: GV založba, 2010. 476 str. ISBN 978-961-247-140-8. [COBISS.SI-ID 251004160] kategorija: 2A (Z, A', A1/2); tip dela je verificiral OSICD točke: 40, št. avtorjev: 4 • KOCBEK, Marijan (avtor, urednik), BOHINC, Rado, BRATINA, Borut, ILEŠIČ, Mirko, IVANJKO, Šime, KNEZ, Rajko, ODAR, Marjan, PIVKA, Hilda Marija, PLAVŠAK, Nina, PODGORELEC, Peter, PRELIČ, Saša, PROSTOR, Jerneja, PŠENIČNIK, Dušan, PUHARIČ, Krešimir, ZABEL, Bojan. Veliki komentar Zakona o gospodarskih družbah, (Nova slovenska zakonodaja). 2., dopolnjena izd. z novelami ZGD-1A do ZGD-1H. Ljubljana: IUS Software, GV založba, 2014. 3 zv., tabele. ISBN 978-961-247-287-0. ISBN 978-961-247-288-7. ISBN 978-961-247-289-4. ISBN 978-961-247-286-3. [COBISS.SI-ID 275561984] kategorija: 2A (Z, A', A1/2) (nova izdaja); tip dela je verificiral OSICD točke: 6.8, št. avtorjev: 15 • Zakon o gospodarskih družbah (ZGD-1) • Ostali zakoni: ZFPPIPP (zakon o finančnem poslovanju, postopkih zaradi insolventnosti in prisilnem prenehanju), zakon o bančništvu, zakon o zavarovalništvu, ….


  • izr. prof. dr. DUŠAN JOVANOVIČ, univ. dipl. prav.
  • red. prof. dr. BORUT BRATINA, univ. dipl. prav.

  • Written examination: 50
  • Seminar work and it's presentation: 30
  • Active cooperation at lectures: 20

  • : 15
  • : 15
  • : 60

  • Slovenian
  • Slovenian