Objectives and competences
1. Understanding the concept of sustainable development and its importance for business operations.
2. Analyzing and evaluating the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their impact on business practices.
3. Integration of sustainable development into business processes and decision-making.
4. Identification and application of various sustainable business models.
5. Cooperation with different stakeholders and developing sustainable partnerships.
6. Monitoring and measurement of sustainability indicators and analysis of the effectiveness of sustainable practices in companies.
7. Understanding the importance and purpose of reporting on sustainable development in companies.
8. Analyzing examples of good practice in reporting on sustainable development in companies.
9. Developing critical thinking and reflection on sustainable development in a business context.
10. Communication and argumentation about the importance of sustainable development in business operations.
11. Individual work in solving the challenges of sustainable development in the business environment.
Content (Syllabus outline)
1. The concept of sustainability.
2. Implementing sustainability in the business process.
3. Sustainable added value and sustainable business models.
4. Stakeholder approach to implementing sustainability.
5. Monitoring and reporting sustainability in businesses.
6. Case studies, examples from practice.
Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding
Cognitive/Intellectual skills:
• Analytical thinking: Ability to analyze complex information and identify key elements of sustainable development in a business context.
• Critical thinking: The ability to evaluate and assess the strengths, weaknesses and ethical and social aspects of sustainable practices in business.
• Synthesis: The ability to connect different concepts and information and create a holistic understanding of sustainable development in the business environment.
• Problem thinking: The ability to recognize and solve challenges that arise in the implementation of sustainable development in companies.
• Systems thinking: Understanding the cause-and-effect connections between sustainable aspects of business and identifying the long-term effects of decisions on the environment, society and the economy.
Key/Transferable skills
• Communication: The ability to communicate clearly and effectively about sustainable development both within the company and with the general public.
• Learning and adaptation: Ability to acquire new knowledge and adapt to changes and new challenges related to sustainable development.
• Ethics and social responsibility: Awareness of ethical and social aspects of business and the ability to make responsible decisions for the benefit of society and the environment.
• Innovativeness: The ability to think outside the box and find innovative solutions for sustainable development in a business context.
Practical skills:
• Recognizing sustainable strategies: Ability to recognize sustainable strategies and measures to achieve the goals of sustainable development.
• Data analysis: Ability to analyze data on sustainable development.
• Measurement tools: Knowledge of existing tools for monitoring and measuring sustainability indicators and sustainable practices in companies.
Temeljna literatura:
• BRADAČ HOJNIK, Barbara. Trajnostno podjetništvo. V: ANTONČIČ, Boštjan (ur.). Podjetništvo : glavni dejavnik razvoja. Ljubljana: Ekonomska fakulteta, 2022. Str. 92-108, ilustr. Učbeniki ekonomske fakultete. ISBN 978-961-240-382-9. http://maksi2.ef.uni-lj.si/zaloznistvoslike/499/Podjetni%C5%A1tvo.pdf. [COBISS.SI-ID 125552643]
• BRADAČ HOJNIK, Barbara. Ustvarjanje vrednosti v okviru trajnostnega podjetništva in poslovnih modelov = Value creation in the context of sustainable entrepreneurship and business models. V: DUH, Mojca (ur.), et al. Izzivi trajnostnega razvoja organizacij. Harlow (England) [etc.]: Pearson Education. 2022, str. 15-37, ilustr. ISBN 978-1-80006-681-6. [COBISS.SI-ID 122847491]
• Študije primerov, aktualne vsebine iz dnevnega strokovnega časopisja (letno aktualizirane)
Dodatna literatura:
• BRADAČ HOJNIK, Barbara, KOREZ-VIDE, Romana, ŠTRUKELJ, Tjaša. Introduction to sustainable development and entrepreneurship. V: WÓJCIK, Ewa (ur.), ZIELIŃSKI, Tomasz (ur.). Economics of sustainability. Katowice: Publishing House of the University of Economics, 2022. Str. 9-31, ilustr. ISBN 978-83-7875-790-0. https://www.sbc.org.pl/Content/578059/download/. [COBISS.SI-ID 117038851]
• KOREZ-VIDE, Romana, ŠTRUKELJ, Tjaša, BRADAČ HOJNIK, Barbara. Unsustainable trends in the global tourism. V: WÓJCIK, Ewa (ur.), ZIELIŃSKI, Tomasz (ur.). Economics of sustainability. Katowice: Publishing House of the University of Economics, 2022. Str. 121-146, ilustr. ISBN 978-83-7875-790-0. https://www.sbc.org.pl/Content/578059/download/. [COBISS.SI-ID 117042435]
• KOREZ-VIDE, Romana, BRADAČ HOJNIK, Barbara, ŠTRUKELJ, Tjaša. The framework for sustainable tourism development. V: WÓJCIK, Ewa (ur.), ZIELIŃSKI, Tomasz (ur.). Economics of sustainability. Katowice: Publishing House of the University of Economics, 2022. Str. 420-450, ilustr. ISBN 978-83-7875-790-0. https://www.sbc.org.pl/Content/578059/download/. [COBISS.SI-ID 117047043]
• UN. (2022). The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2022. Available: https://unstats.un.org/sdgs/report/2022/The-Sustainable-Development-Goals-Report-2022.pdf