Objectives and competences

1. understand credibility of an enterprise and the importance of the credible enterprise for achieving the required effectiveness; 2. enhance student’s ability for establishing an enterprise as a credible partner to all (internal and external) stakeholders.

Content (Syllabus outline)

1. Dimensions of sustainable development, sustainability values and their impact on corporate governance (with a focus on economic, social and environmental sustainability) 2. Development of sustainable values and culture in enterprises 3. Dimensions of sustainable corporate governance 3.1 Process dimension (creation of a sustainable vision, mission, objectives and fundamental objectives; sustainable interest coordination processes) 3.2 Institutional dimension (establishment of sustainable management institutions, necessary competences) 3.3 Instrumental dimension (methods and tools for creating a sustainable vision, mission, strategy and fundamental objectives) 4. Corporate governance in the context of new sustainable reporting requirements (increased emphasis on non-financial reporting)

Learning and teaching methods

- lectures - case studies active individual and group work

Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding

Cognitive/Intellectual skills: • With critical awareness can undertake analysis of complex, incomplete or contradictory areas of knowledge communicating the outcome effectively to the topic of culture, ethics and enterprise credibility.. • With critical awareness, can synthesise information in a manner that may be innovative, utilising knowledge from the forefront of the discipline / practice of credibility, ethics and enterprise culture. • Has a level of conceptual understanding of corporate governance and strategic management that will allow her/him critically to evaluate research, advanced scholarship and methodologies and argue alternative approaches • Can demonstrate initiative and originality in problem solving. Can act autonomously in planning and implementing tasks at a professional or equivalent level, making decisions in complex and unpredictable situations. Key/Transferable skills • Can competently undertake research tasks with minimum guidance. • Is an independent and self critical learner • Has independent learning ability required for continuing professional study, making professional use of others where appropriate. • capacity for applying knowledge in practice • research skills • capacity for generating new ideas • capacity to adapt to new situations • ability to work in an interdisciplinary team • decision-making • ethical commitment Practical skills: • Can operate in complex and unpredictable and/or specialised contexts, and has an overview of the issues governing good practice in a context of organizational culture, ethics and enterprise credibility • Is able to exercise initiative and personal responsibility in professional practice • Has technical expertise, performs smoothly with precision and effectiveness; can adapt skills and design or develop new skills and/or procedures for new situations


• Belak, Jernej, Thommen Jean-Paul, Belak Janko (2014): Integralni management in upravljanje: kultura, etika in verodostojnost podjetja. Založba MER, Maribor.Belak, J.: Business Ethics Impementation at Different Stages of the Enterprise Life Cycle. Založba MER, Maribor, 2009. • Thommen, J. – P.: Glaubwürdigkeit und Corporate Governance, 2. vollständig überarbeitete Auflage. Zürich: Versus Verlag, 2003.



  • red. prof. Dr. rer. pol. Zvezna republika Nemčija JERNEJ BELAK, univ. dipl. teolog

  • Active participation on lectures and worksops: 50
  • Oral examination: 50

  • : 15
  • : 15
  • : 60

  • Slovenian
  • Slovenian