Objectives and competences
The objective of this course is for the students to understand the role and tasks of operating systems, and to be able to select and install appropriate software for given practical problems.
Content (Syllabus outline)
• Operating system: purpose and basics of operation, working with devices, drivers, one and multi-user OS, User and system software
• Jobs, processes, threads, communication and synchronization
• Memory management
• File systems
• Automation and scheduling of tasks
• Software management/installation
• Encryption, signing and data protection
Learning and teaching methods
Lab work.
Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding
Learning outcome: understand and recognize the main roles of the OS.
Learning outcome: understand and modify the OS configuration.
Learning outcome: use OS functionalities.
Learning outcome: use automation and task sorting systems.
A. S. Tanenbaum, H. Bos, Modern Operating Systems, peta izdaja, Pearson, 2022.
C. Negus, Linux Bible, deseta izdaja, Wiley, 2020.
W. Stallings, Operating systems, deveta izdaja, Pearson Education Limited, 2018.
D. Zazula, Operacijski sistemi, tretja izdaja, FERI , 2008.