Objectives and competences
The goal of the course is for students to understand energy sources, the conversion of primary energy sources into electricity, to be able to analyse and derive new energy sources, to determine the level of consumption for self-care needs, to cover the impacts of e-mobility, to determine the potential of energy storage, to effectively implement energy management at the household level, learn the basics of smart grids, energy management and find the potential of flexibility to achieve economic benefits.
Content (Syllabus outline)
• Energy and power and their importance in energy supply.
• Legislation and guidelines in the field of connecting renewable sources, energy communities, and energy flexibility services.
• Determining the required power and energy of the building on a daily, monthly, and annual basis
• Basics of photovoltaic systems and their dimensioning.
• Fundamentals of energy storage systems and their dimensioning.
• Electric vehicles and charging infrastructure in the facility.
• Heat pumps and their use.
• Achieving self-sufficiency in energy supply daily, monthly, and annually.
• Tariff systems
• Savings in energy supply.
• Energy communities.
• Energy management systems.
• Energy flexibility services.
• Future energy supply.
Learning and teaching methods
• lectures,
• tutorial,
• computer exercises,
• project
Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding
• estimate energy, power, and electricity consumption
• explain the use of renewable energy sources,
• efficient use of electricity and energy efficiency
• B.M. Buchholz, Z. Styczynski: Smart Grids – Fundamentals and Technologies in Electricity Networks, Vieweg+Teubner Verlag 2014
• H. Požar: Osnove energetike I, II, III, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1992.
• J. M. Pedraza, Electrical energy generation in Europe, Springer
• M. Tuma, M. Sekvčnik, ENERGETSKI SISTEMI, Ljubljana 2004
• M. Hočevar, M. Dular, Uvod v hidroenergetske sisteme, Ljubljana 2015
• D. Lenarčič, Fotonapetostni sistemi, priročnik, Ljubljana 2009
• Z. Žalar, Obnovljivi viri energije, bookstore 2016
• Gilbert M. Masters, Renewable and Efficient Electric Power Systems, A JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC., PUBLICATION, 2004
• J. Voršič, A. Orgulan, Pretvarjanje v električno energijo, Maribor 1996
• Digambar M. Tagare, Electrical Power Generation, ISBN: 9780470600283, John Wiley & Sons, January 2011.