Objectives and competences
a) To analyze and evaluate the language culture in the public use of the Slovene language; evaluate current issues on the functioning of language, norms, and conventions that determine or mark linguistic choices.
b) To identify and explain the impacts of the global language on the mother tongue (the Slovene language) and raise awareness regarding the formation and the use of Slovene terminology.
c) To informedly connect theoretical knowledge of the language with practical work, i.e., planning, forming, and (self)evaluating one's individual written products during studies, performance preparation, professional exams, diploma, and master's thesis.
Content (Syllabus outline)
The three parts of technical language characteristics, the capabilities of the Slovene language in the formation of Slovene terminology, the use of technical Slovene as the language of research or the communicative language of teaching discourse will be introduced to students during the course, respectively.
1. Characteristics of technical and scientific texts and genres:
a) technical texts,
b) public scholarship texts,
c) scientific texts.
Typology of technical and scientific texts (according to Cobiss).
Linguistic stylistics of technical texts and standard language.
Technical texts written by students.
2. Conceptual system of technical terminology:
a) Introduction to the basic terminological concepts (concept, term or technical expression, definition or description).
b) Terms and their relationships in meaning.
c) Terminological principles.
d) Basic domestic and European terminographic resources (Terminologišče, Termania, Euroterm, IATE).
3. The emergence of a new technical terminology
Terminological formation:
a) Basic types of formations: derivatives, prefixed words, compounds, acronyms.
b) The transition of the lexis of the general language into terminology - terminologisation.
c) Adoption from foreign languages (internationalisms - globalisms).
d) Structural properties of phrasal terms.
e) The linguistic norm in the use of terms.
Learning and teaching methods
1. Frontal lectures
2. Working with texts
3. Use of IT (Moodle, MS Teams, and available language technologies for the Slovene language)
4. Case studies
5. Language portfolio
Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding
Knowledge and Understanding:
– Knowledge, understanding, and use of the proper orthographic/grammatical norm of the Slovene language; the meaning of usage in written professional and scientific texts.
– Recognition, differentiation, and argumentation of the proper orthographic/grammatical norm of the Slovene language in written professional and scientific texts.
– Analyzing and informed judgement of orthographic/grammatical adequacy in various technical and scientific written texts.
– Judgment and informed choice of relevant orthographic/grammar references for independent writing.
• STRAMLJIČ BREZNIK, Irena, ZEMLJAK JONTES, Melita, PULKO, Simona, VALH LOPERT, Alenka, KRAJNC IVIČ, Mira, 2008: Tako je bolje: priročnik z nasveti, kako odpraviti nekatere najpogostejše jezikovne težave v prodajnih katalogih trgovcev. Maribor: Filozofska fakulteta, Oddelek za slovanske jezike in književnost. 84 str., ilustr. ISBN 978-961-6656-14-6. [COBISS.SI-ID 61178369].
• TOPORIŠIČ, Jože, 2004: Slovenska slovnica. Pregledno poglavji Oblikoslovje in Skladnja. Maribor: Založba Obzorja. 235–468, 469–692.
• VALH LOPERT, Alenka, 2017: Lektoriranje kot učinkovita metoda učenja maternega jezika (za študente nesloveniste). V: JESENŠEK, Marko (ur.). Med didaktiko slovenskega jezika in poezijo: ob 80-letnici Jožeta Lipnika = When Slovene language didactics meets poetry: Jože Lipnik's 80th anniversary. Maribor: Univerzitetna založba Univerze. 76–93. Mednarodna knjižna zbirka Zora, 119.
• VEROVNIK, Tina, LOGAR, Nataša, KALIN GOLOB, Monika. Slovenščina kot strokovni jezik na slovenskih univerzah: pregled stanja ter razčlenitev pomena, načina in možnosti njene večje vključitve. Ljubljana: Ministrstvo za kulturo Republike Slovenije, 2013. http://www.mk.gov.si/fileadmin/mk.gov.si/pageuploads/Ministrstvo/raziskave-analize/slovenski_jezik/Slovenscina_kot_strokovni_jezik_na_slovenskih_univerzah_01.pdf. [COBISS.SI-ID 32649821].
• ZEMLJAK JONTES, Melita (avtor, prevajalec povzetka), 2014: Jezikovna kultura v teoriji in (šolski) praksi [prevod povzetka v angleščino [in] imensko in stvarno kazalo Melita Zemljak Jontes]. Maribor: Litera. 247 str., ilustr. ISBN 978-961-6949-39-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 80013313].
• ŽELE, Andreja. Stopnje terminologizacije v leksiki (na primerih glagolov) V: HUMAR, Marjeta (ur.). Terminologija v času globalizacije: zbornik prispevkov s simpozija Terminologija v času globalizacije, Ljubljana, 5.-6. junij 2003 Ljubljana: Znanstvenoraziskovalni center SAZU, Založba ZRC: = Scientific Research Centre SASA, ZRC Publishing, 2004. Str. 77-91. ISBN 961-6500-51-1, ISBN 978-961-05-0326-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 22610221]
• SLOVENSKI PRAVOPIS [Elektronski vir]/avtorji sodelavci Inštituta za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša ZRC SAZU; glavni urednik Jože Toporišič ; izdajatelj Inštitut za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša ZRC SAZU. – Elektronska objava. – El. knjiga. – Ljubljana : Založba ZRC, Znanstvenoraziskovalni center SAZU, 2014.
• JEZIKOVNA SVETOVALNICA Inštituta za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša ZRC SAZUhttps://svetovalnica.zrc-sazu.si/.
• FRAN. Slovarji Inštituta za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša ZRC SAZU. https://fran.si/.