Objectives and competences

The aim of the learning unit is to acquire additional knowledge in the following areas: • Basics of supporting social and emotional learning to provide tutoring support, • Motivation and self-regulation in learning, • Importance of reflection for personal and professional development, • Working with students with special needs, • Study adaptations for students with special needs, • Encouragement and promotion of peer support, • Formation of an inclusive university community and provision of support to students in diverse circumstances that may hinder their studies. The student tutor will acquire the following competencies: • Basics of counselling and establishing successful interpersonal interactions, • Social and emotional competencies for creating a positive climate and inclusive environment, • Active assumption and promotion of responsibility, • Adaptation to new situations, • Ability for self-reflection, • Critical examination of the study experience, • Transfer of knowledge and skills to others.

Content (Syllabus outline)

• Definition of social and emotional learning and the significance of social and emotional competencies for effective academic functioning • Learning: learning strategies and motivational and emotional factors of learning. • Foundations of inclusive communication. • Ethics and ethical dilemmas at tutoring. • Development of autonomous and responsible individuals. • Short introduction to collaborative, caring and critical thinking. • Inclusion of students with special needs. • Support for students with special needs. • Tutoring strategies tailored to the adaptations of students with special needs. • Approaches to addressing general and specific problems of female and male students. • Implementation of tutoring support.

Learning and teaching methods

• Thematic lessons and resource management in the e-learning environment, • lectures, • practical tutoring work.

Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding

The student will: • Explain selected concepts in the field of supporting quality learning and inclusive communication and connect them to tutoring practice, • Demonstrate the use of inclusive and supportive communication techniques in a simulated tutoring session, • Justify the importance of reflection for personal and professional development of the individual, • Develop a personal reflection plan that includes regular self-assessment and goal-directed activities for further development in the field of tutoring, • Differentiate groups of students with special needs, • Describe the challenges faced by students with special needs in education, • Analyse hypothetical cases of students with special needs and propose appropriate study support strategies, • Define the concept of peer support and its role in the educational environment, • Propose strategies and approaches for creating a more inclusive university community that supports students in various circumstances.


Splošno:/General: • Zakon o visokem šolstvu • Statut Univerze v Mariboru • Navodila o izvajanju tutorskega sistema na Univerzi v Mariboru • Predpisi s področja izobraževanja in študija Strokovna literatura:/Professional literature: • Košir, K. (2017). Pedagoška psihologija za učitelje: izbrane teme. Univerza v Mariboru, Pedagoška fakulteta. • Košir, K. (2019). Kaj če mi ne bo uspelo? Strah pred neuspehom kot ovira pri poklicnem učenju. Psihološki inkubator, 7(12), 5–7. • Batagelj, T. in Lekić, K. (2023). Kaj lahko naredim, da mi bo lažje? Veščine za vsakdan in viri opore v stiki: priročnik za mladostnike in mladostnice. NIJZ. • Univerza v Mariboru in DŠIS (2023). Smernice za izvajalce pedagoškega procesa UM za inkluzivni pedagoški proces. • Vršnik Perše, T. (ur.) (2021). Učenje in poučevanje v visokem šolstvu: Spoznanja in izzivi. Univerza v Mariboru. Dodatno literaturo bodo nosilke določale sproti v vsakoletnem učnem programu. / Additional literature will be determined by the instructors as part of the annual curriculum.


There are no specific prerequisites. KOOD is intended for students who are engaged in tutoring activities.

  • izr. prof. dr. KATJA KOŠIR
  • doc. dr. DARJA PLAVČAK

  • Coursework: 50
  • Report: 50

  • : 9
  • : 10
  • : 71

  • Slovenian
  • Slovenian