Objectives and competences
• To understand the content and importance of biodiversity on Earth and the growing biodiversity crisis
• To understand general and special (geographically bound) principles of nature conservation.
• To be aware of all important international conventions, ratified by Slovenia, in the field of nature conservation and environmental protection
• To understand the principles of "share" and "spare" in nature conservation.
• To know the basics of EU legislation in the field of nature conservation
• To learn the contents of the "Habitats Directive" and all its Annexes.
• To understand the importance of the »Birds Directive« for the conservation of birds and habitats
• To be aware of the criteria for establishing and maintaining the Natura 2000 network in the EU.
• To know the most charismatic species and habitat types for defining Natura 2000 areas in Slovenia
• To know the state of nature conservation in Slovenia through protected areas and Natura 2000 areas
• To be aware of spatial conflicts caused by nature conservation in the Natura 2000 network in Slovenia and in general
Content (Syllabus outline)
• Biodiversity and the biodiversity crisis
• Principles of nature conservation
• History of nature conservation
• International conventions in the field of nature conservation
• EU legislative framework for nature conservation
• "Habitats Directive" and "Birds Directive"
• Natura 2000 network
• Natura 2000 in Slovenia
• Qualification habitat types and species in Slovenia
• State and challenges of nature conservation in Slovenia
Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding
Knowledge and understanding:
• The student understands the content and importance of biodiversity and is aware of the depth of the biodiversity crisis.
• The student knows the various principles of nature conservation in the world and becomes familiar with the relevant international conventions.
• The student knows and understands the meaning of EU legislation, which includes the "Habitats Directive" and the "Birds Directive" with annexes.
• The student understands the principles of establishing the Natura 2000 network in the EU and is familiar with the Natura 2000 network in Slovenia and the related social situation and conflicts.
• Čušin, B. (ur.), 2004: Natura 2000 v Sloveniji. Založba ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana.
• European Commission, Directorate-General for Environment, Mézard, N., Sundseth, K., Wegefelt, S., Natura 2000 : protecting Europe’s biodiversity, Wegefelt, S. (editor), Mézard, N. (translator), European Commission, 2008, https://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2779/45963
• Jackson, A.L.R. (2018): Conserving Europe's Wildlife Law and Policy of the Natura 2000 Network of Protected Areas. Earthscan.
• Jogan, N., M. Kaligarič, M., I. Leskovar, A. Seliškar, J. Dobravec, 2004: Habitatni tipi Slovenije HTS 2004. Tipologija. Agencija republike Slovenije za okolje. Ljubljana
• Skoberne, P., 2004: Pregled mednarodnih organizacij in predpisov s področja varstva narave 2005, priročnik, inačica 9.1, Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor, Ljubljana
• Hansson, L., 1992. Ecological principles of nature Conservation. Springer New York