Objectives and competences
- Understand the concept of sustainability in production systems.
- Apply the approach to design production systems,
- To be able to transfer the sustainability aspects of manufacturing into a simulation environment.
- Understand the importance of the three key aspects of sustainable production.
- Ability to design sustainable production systems.
- Ability to independently search for information in the field of sustainable production systems.
- Ability to organize the process of implementing sustainable aspects in a real production environment.
- Ability to carry out computer modelling and simulations in sustainable production systems.
Content (Syllabus outline)
- Sustainable Production System - definition
- Aspects of sustainability in manufacturing
- Aspects of Industry 5.0
- Design of the production system:
o Capacity planning
o Production equipment layout
- Computer modelling of sustainable production systems
- Computer simulations of sustainability aspects in production systems
Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding
Knowledge and understanding:
- understand and analyze sustainable production systems and processes,
- design and implement advanced production systems,
- use advanced computer support for modelling and simulation of sustainable production systems.
- Gradivo (pdf) pri predmetu na Moodlu (sprotno posodabljano).
- Baudin, M. & Netland. T. (2022). Introduction to Manufacturing: An Industrial Engineering and Management Perspective, Routledge; 1st edition
- Polajnar Andrej, Buchmeister Borut, Leber Marjan. Proizvodni menedžment, Učbenik, Fakulteta za strojništvo, Univerza v Mariboru, 2005.
- Sule, D. R. (2008). Manufacturing Facilities : Location, Planning, and Design, CRC press, 3th edition, Boca Raton
- Herrmann, C.; Kara, S. (2017). Sustainable Manufacturing: Challenges, Solutions and Implementation Perspectives, Springer, Cham
- Davim, J. P. (2010). Sustainable Manufacturing, Wiley, Hoboken