Objectives and competences

Objectives: • to provide knowledge and information on modern mechanical design approaches, with an emphasis on understanding and evaluating environmental impacts; • to identify modern engineering materials and technologies and provide general guidelines for their selection in environmental design; • to combine previously acquired knowledge with the requirements of sustainable development. Student competences: • have demonstrable knowledge and insight in the field of environmentally sound product design; • are able to make an assessment of the ecological profile of a product; • they are aware of their social, societal and ethical responsibilities when designing products; • they are able to apply knowledge and solve problems related to the field of design for the environment.

Content (Syllabus outline)

The main areas of the course are: • Basic concepts in product design and sustainable development; • Determination of the environmental aspects and impacts of a product (eco-indicators, MECO matrix); • Product life cycle analysis (general principles, LCA elements, carbon and environmental footprint assessments); • Eco-design strategies; • Product improvement; • Evaluation of the final eco-designed product; • Communication with the environment (eco-labels, declarations, etc.). The seminar complements the lectures with practical design problem solving.

Learning and teaching methods

• frontal lectures; • preparation of seminar work;

Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding

• mechanical design of environmentally friendly components; • use of modern technical tools that allow environmental impact (life cycle assessment) to be considered at the product design stage; • ability to critically analyse, evaluate and improve own and existing products in terms of their environmental impact; • improving teamwork skills.


• S. Pehan, S. Glodež, J. Kramberger, Osnove konstruiranja, univerzitetni učenik, UM FS, 2020. • S. Pehan, S. Glodež, Sistemsko projektiranje in konstruiranje, univerzitetni učenik, UM FS, 2018. • D. Krajnc, Eko-dizajn, Okoljsko načrtovanje, razvoj in analiziranje proizvodov in procesov, ECO-HUB, FKKT, 2014. • W. Wimmer, R. Züst, K.M. Lee, Ecodesign Implementation, A Systematic Guidance on Integrating Environmental Considerations into Product Development, Springer 2004. • B. Aberšek, A.Flogie, Human Awareness, Energy and Environmental Attitudes, Springer 2022. • M. F. Ashby, Materials Selection in Mechanical Design, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2016. • Ansys GRANTA EduPack software, ANSYS, Inc., 2021 (


No special requirements.

  • red. prof. dr. JANEZ KRAMBERGER, univ. dipl. inž. str.

  • Oral examination: 50
  • Seminar paper: 50

  • : 30
  • : 15
  • : 45

  • Slovenian
  • Slovenian