Objectives and competences

• Raising awareness about the values of sport and influencing the formation of positive attitudes towards sport and accustomization to a healthy lifestyle. • Eliminating and preventing the consequences of lack of exercise and a care for improving psychophysical abilities, strengthening health and creative use of free time. • Improving body and motor skills • Improving fitness • Proper use of trekking poles

Content (Syllabus outline)

The theoretical contents refer to: - a healthy lifestyle, - the importance of a proper diet, - the specifics of the sport discipline (an overview of the evolution and progress of hiking and comprehending the importance of engaging in said activity). The practical contents refer to: - the favourable influence on human spiritual enrichment and physical development, - the didactic task - this means that we want to use this activity about to teach students about the moments of beauty in life - experiencing nature, which students will transfer to their families and among friends.

Learning and teaching methods

The following methods and forms of teaching will be used in the program: • the method of explanation and discussion (lectures), • the method of demonstration. Forms: • frontal learning, • individual learning, • group learning.

Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding

Knowledge and understanding: • Formation of a rational and emotional attitude towards physical effort, knowing the theory of active rest and knowing different methods for regenerating the body. • Using the acquired knowledge in everyday life and for compensating for the negative effects of one-sided workloads over the course of the study. • Providing lasting exercise habits in relation to everyday life through direct experience • Theoretical and practical understanding of exercise as a tool for developing motor skills and increasing functional skills of the body. • Understanding the impact of exercise on maintaining health and well-being. • Practicing tolerance and comparing their achievements with others.


• Pori, M., Pori, P., Pistotnik, B., Dolenec, A., Tomažin., Štirn, I. in Majerič, M. (2013). Športna rekreacija. Športna unija Slovenije, Fundacija za šport, Ljubljana. • Pori, P., Pori, M., Jakovljević, M. in ščepanović, D. (2014). Zdrava vadba. Fakulteta za šport, Univerza v Ljubljani.

  • doc. dr. SILVESTER LIPOŠEK, prof. šp. vzg.

  • Practical exam: 80
  • Theoretical exam: 20

  • : 5
  • : 55
  • : 30

  • Slovenian
  • Slovenian