Objectives and competences

• Practical implementation of individual elements of the sport discipline. • Raising awareness of the values of sport and, through this, influencing the formation of positive attitudes towards sport and towards a healthy lifestyle. • A correct execution of the serve in badminton, table tennis and squash • Performing various strokes during the game • Knowing the rules of the game

Content (Syllabus outline)

The theoretical contents refer to: - a healthy lifestyle, - the importance of a proper diet, - the specifics of the sport discipline (an overview of the evolution and progress of badminton, table tennis, squash, the philosophy of exercise and comprehending the importance of the correct implementation of exercises). The practical contents refer to - the proper execution of basic badminton, table tennis and squash exercises. - The characteristics of the game (historical development, organization of the sport in the world and in Slovenia; rules, equipment, props). - The improvement of basic technical elements and tactics, the position of the racket, the position of the player, movement skills, the types of impacts and the flight of the ball, the performance of shots, their basic tactical use.

Learning and teaching methods

The following methods and forms of teaching will be used in the program: • the method of explanation and discussion (lectures), • the method of demonstration. Forms: • frontal learning, • individual learning, • group learning.

Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding

Znanje in razumevanje: • Oblikovanje razumskega in čustvenega odnosa do telesnega napora, poznavanje teorije aktivnega počitka in metod za regeneracijo telesa. • Uporaba pridobljenih znanj v vsakdanjem življenju in za kompenzacijo negativnih učinkov enostranskih obremenitev v času študija. • Skozi neposredno izkušnjo zagotoviti trajne gibalne navade v zvezi z vsakdanjim življenjem. • Teoretično in praktično razumevanje pravilne tehnike vadbe za razvijanje motoričnih in povečevanje funkcionalnih sposobnosti organizma. • razumeti vpliv športne vadbe za ohranjanje zdravja in dobrega počutja, • razumeti odzivanje organizma na napor in prilagoditev na različne oblike vadbe, • obvladanje tehnike športne igre za njeno varno izvajanje v različnih oblikah aktivnosti, • izboljšanje telesnih in motoričnih sposobnosti, kar se kaže v izboljšanju tehnike in taktike v igri z loparjem. Knowledge and understanding: • Formation of a rational and emotional attitude towards physical effort, knowing the theory of active rest and knowing different methods for regenerating the body. • Using the acquired knowledge in everyday life and for compensating for the negative effects of one-sided workloads over the course of the study • Providing lasting exercise habits in relation to everyday life through direct experience. • Theoretical and practical understanding of exercise as a tool for developing motor skills and increasing functional skills of the body. • Understanding the impact of exercise for the preservation of health and well-being. • Understanding the response of the organism to physical effort and adapting to different forms of exercise. • Mastering the techniques of a sports game for its safe implementation in various forms of activity. • Improving body and motor skills, which is reflected through the improvement of techniques and tactics at using the racket


• Kondrič M, Horvat M. Namizni tenis v šoli: vadba in igralne oblike namiznega tenisa v šoli. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za šport, Inštitut za šport, 2008. • Kondrič M. Osnove učenja namiznega tenisa z Bojanom Tokičem. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za šport, Inštitut za šport, 2002. • Vučković G. Osnovna tehnika v squashu (videoposnetek): gibanje, postavitev in osnovni udarci. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za šport, Inštitut za šport, 2007. • Vučković G. Osnove squasha. Ljubljana: samozal. cop. 2000. • Šeme T. Osnove učenje in metodični postopki pri učenju badmintona. Ljubljana, 2010. • Pohar D. Badmintonska pravila. Ljubljana: Badmintonska zveza Slovenije, 2006.


Understanding the values of a healthy lifestyle, sport, physical exercise and the desire for acquiring additional knowledge and skills in individual sport disciplines.

  • doc. dr. SILVESTER LIPOŠEK, prof. šp. vzg.

  • Practical exam: 80
  • Theoretical exam: 20

  • : 5
  • : 55
  • : 30

  • Slovenian
  • Slovenian