Objectives and competences

Course objectives: - to recognize and raise awareness of mountaineering and other forms of activities in the mountains as an important form of movement, recreation, tourism, mental and physical health - to promote a healthy lifestyle and sustainable practices / approaches in mountaineering and related activities - raise awareness and critical thinking about the importance of mountains, the mountain environment, mountaineering activities and tourism for the development and conservation of mountain areas Competences that students acquire: - thoughtful, respectful and knowledge-based approach to mountains, mountain environment, mountain activities and mountaineering in general - planning and implementation of mountaineering trip / tour in an environmentally friendly, as well as safe way

Content (Syllabus outline)

The course provides a comprehensive view of mountaineering and emphasizes sustainable approaches to the implementation of activities; from theoretical bases to practical contents: - mountains and mountain ranges around the world (formation, meaning, symbolism) - history of settlement in the mountains and life in the mountain environment - development and history of mountaineering and related activities in the mountains - mountains and Sloveneness - mountain tourism - mountain tourism (and mountaineering) in Slovenia - organization of mountaineering - basic mountaineering terminology - mountain environment and hazards - basics of movement in the mountains and use of equipment - planning and implementation of activities in the mountains (mountain trips or tours) - sustainable practices in carrying out activities in the mountains - sustainable mountaineering destinations and mountaineering

Learning and teaching methods

Lectures and tutorials - in the classroom and in the field. Learning by observation and experimentation. Learning with practical tasks. Active individual and group work.

Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding

Students should: - understand the complexity of mountains in terms of the living environment and the challenges that living in the mountains brings - know the history of the development of mountain areas and mountaineering and explain the role and importance of mountains in the development of Slovenian national identity - understand basic mountaineering terminology - identify hazards and unsustainable practices in the mountain environment - use basic mountaineering equipment and aids for planning and carrying out a trip to the mountains / tours - design a tour plan and carry it out accordingly - be able to use / apply sustainable concepts of mountaineering in the mountain area


Temeljna literatura: - Aleš Glavnik et al. (2016): Planinska šola – učbenik. Ljubljana. Planinska zveza Slovenije. Priporočena dodatna literatura / Recommended additional literature - Tone Golnar (1996): Gorniška vzgoja. Ljubljana: Planinska zveza Slovenije. - Andrej Stritar (2011): Gore Slovenije. Ljubljana: Kibuba. - Sustainable Development in the Alps: The Mountaineering Villages (Bergsteigerdörfer) Initiative Študentje bodo posamezne enote dobili tudi sproti na predavanjih in vajah oz. v elektronski obliki v spletni učilnici. / Students will also receive individual units on the spot in lectures and tutorials or. in electronic form in an online classroom.


There are no prerequisites for this course. A maximum of 15 students can take part in the course.

  • doc. dr. BORIS PREVOLŠEK, mag. ekon. in posl. ved

  • Practical exam: 70
  • Report: 30

  • : 5
  • : 5
  • : 30
  • : 50

  • Slovenian
  • Slovenian