Objectives and competences
The goals of human rights education are to familiarize the student with:
• fundamental rights and freedoms;
• fundamental process guarantees;
• personal rights and freedoms;
• political rights and freedoms;
• economic and social rights;
• the rights of national communities.
After completing the education, the student will know human rights, what defines them and how they are protected.
Content (Syllabus outline)
The dignity of man, the inalienable right to freedom, justice and peace in the world, and because it is imperative that human rights be protected by the power of law, so that one is not forced to resort as a last resort to resisting tyranny and violence.
After the violations of human rights in the civil wars of the 1990s and after the attacks of September 11, 2001, human rights are not — as some propagating exaggerated — as a secular perspective of salvation, but as a sober point of orientation for a free, just, solidary and peaceful coexistence of individuals societies, confederations of states, world regions and cultures have become the focus of global societal attention.
Human right to education, human rights in education, which are trend-setting – especially for socio-educational activities in protecting the rights of the child, the rights of adolescents, the rights of adults, the rights in vocational education and the rights of civil society groups.
The training program envisages the following areas:
• the concept and system of human rights (it's history and constitutional concept of human rights - human right as a constitutional right above it – the constitution registers and enables, but does not give them);
• sources and Philosophy of Human Rights between Awareness and Invention – Universal Declaration of Human Rights, European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, Islamic Convention on Human Rights, ...);
• human rights as fundamental and the initial point of justice and freedom (dignity, freedom and equality);
• human rights and fundamental procedural guarantees (right to a legal remedy, right to justice, right to equal protection of rights and compensation for damage);
• personal rights and freedoms (right to physical and mental integrity, dignity and privacy, inviolability, freedom of expression, freedom of movement, protection of personal data, freedom of conscience and opinions and their dissemination);
• political rights and freedoms (right to pursue public affairs, right to assembly and association, suffrage, right to petition and refuge, economic rights - private property, freedom to work, social rights, family rights - marriage and family; right to education , expression of ethnic and religious affiliation);
• economic and social rights (rights related to work, property and protection of property);
Learning and teaching methods
Individual work.
Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding
Knowledge and understanding:
fter completing human rights education, the student will be able on the basis of teoretical and in case studies to understand/value:
• historical bases of human rights (human right as a constitutional right above it – the constitution registers and enables, but does not give them);
• distinguish between the use and abuse of human rights and avoid indoctrination of them;
• human rights in different cultural, economic and religious settings (multicilturalism);
• to protect and be aware of human rights in his personal and professional life.
Temeljni viri:
Splošna deklaracija človekovih pravic, http://www.varuh-rs.si/pravni-okvir-in-pristojnosti/mednarodni-pravni-akti-s-podrocja-clovekovih-pravic/organizacija-zdruzenih-narodov/splosna-deklaracija-clovekovih-pravic/.
Konvencija o odpravi vseh oblik diskriminacije žensk, https://www.gov.si/assets/ministrstva/MK/Zakonodaja-ki-ni-na-PISRS/Kulturna-raznolikost/7608282671/Konvencija-o-odpravi-vseh-oblik-diskriminacije-zensk.pdf.
Konvencija o otrokovih pravicah, http://www.varuh-rs.si/pravni-okvir-in-pristojnosti/mednarodni-pravni-akti-s-podrocja-clovekovih-pravic/organizacija-zdruzenih-narodov/konvencija-o-otrokovih-pravicah-ozn/#c69.
Mednarodni pakt o ekonomskih in socialnih pravicah, http://www.varuh-rs.si/pravni-okvir-in-pristojnosti/mednarodni-pravni-akti-s-podrocja-clovekovih-pravic/organizacija-zdruzenih-narodov/mednarodni-pakt-o-ekonomskih-socialnih-in-kulturnih-pravicah/#c67.
Mednarodni pakt o državljanskih in političnih pravicah, http://www.varuh-rs.si/pravni-okvir-in-pristojnosti/mednarodni-pravni-akti-s-podrocja-clovekovih-pravic/organizacija-zdruzenih-narodov/mednarodni-pakt-o-drzavljanskih-in-politicnih-pravicah/#c68.
Lisitna Evropske Unije o temeljnih pravicah, http://www.varuh-rs.si/fileadmin/user_upload/word/Temeljni_dokumenti_VCP/Listina_EU_o_temeljnih_pravicah.pdf.
Temeljna literatura:
Wolfgang Benedek, Understanding Human Rights, Manual on Human Rights Education, NWV Wien-Graz 2006.
Volker Lenhart (Volker Druba, Katarina Batarilo), Pädagogik der Menschenrechte, 2. dopolnjena izdaja, Wiesbaden 2006.
Človekove pravice, izobraževanje, spletna stran: www.ifzip.si/Filozofija
Dodatna literatura:
Claus Dieter Beiter, The Protection of the Right to Education by International Law. International Studies in Human Rights. Leiden. Boston. 2006.
Heidi Biseth, Halla B. Holmarsdottir (Eds.), Human Rights in the Field of Comparative Education. Comparative and International Education: A Diversity of Voices. Rotterdam. Boston. Taipei. 2013.
Brigitte Hamm, Menschenrechte. Ein Grundlagenbuch. Laske*Budrich, Opladen 2003.
Conelia Roux (Ed.), Safe Spaces. Human Rights Education in Diverse Contexts. Rotterdam. Boston. Taipei. 2012.
Michaela Wittinger. Christentum, Islam, Recht und Menschenrechte. Spannungsfelder und Lösungen. Wiesbaden. 2008.
Marie-Benedicte Dembour, Who Believes in Human Rights? Reflection on the European Convention. Cambridge. 2006.
Franc Grad, Igor Kaučič, Saša Zagorc, Ustavno pravo, Ljubljana 2018, XI. Poglavje, Splošno o pravicah in svoboščinah čoveka in državljana, str. 712-850.
Knowledge of the field of study for which the student is being educated, in order to be able to critically assess the level of respect or disregard for human rights, given the nature of the challenges of his / her future professional work.